spoga+gafa proves to be a hot success with visitors

Temperatures soared in Cologne as garden retailers and buyers from around the globe converged on a highly successful spoga+gafa last weekend. GTN Xtra was there to bring you these exclusive pictures from the outdoor living event GTN Xtra was there to bring you these exclusive pictures from the outdoor living event including tours of the EFSA Concept Store, Elho, Edelman, all the British exhibitors in the Gardenex area of Hall 9 plus many many more...
see GTN Xtra's pictures from spoga+gafa
Cupar Garden Centre is put up for sale

Cupar Garden Centre in Fife, Scotland, has been put up for sale because the owner has been suffering from ill health and now wishes to retire. The sale is being handled by Quinton Edwards...
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New variety of Osteospermum called Little Writtle

Writtle College has bred a beautiful new variety of hardy Osteospermum and called it Little Writtle. The plant, with distinctive deep pink flowers, is now available to buy on major plant mail order website Suttons Seeds.
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How hot is that chilli in the window (oof, oof)...?

Thompson & Morgan has given all its chilli pepper varieties a heat rating by means of an easy-to-read 'chilli meter' on 2016 seed packs...
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New exhibitors look forward to an exciting AQUA 2015 show

AQUA 2015, the UK’s premier water gardening and aquatics trade event, will welcome a host of new exhibitors to October’s showpiece exhibition, which will be bigger than ever before...
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