£2,000 raised for the Rosy Cheeks Appeal at successful Europlants Open Days

The sun shone, the wine flowed but the plants were the stand out feature at the Europlants Open Days on Wednesday and Thursday.
From pot plants to monumental trees, the quality and variety stood out down every aisle, vista and tree lined avenue.
The whole Europlants team were on hand to give variety advice and all the displays had been colour themed to assist buyers in choosing what to buy.
Attendees included The National Trust, landscape architects, garden designers, garden centres and retail nurseries. In fact so many buyers turned up they had to park down the road outside once the car parks had filled up.
The excellent Italian lunch was followed by a Greenfingers raffle on both days, presided over by David Domoney. The upbeat mood of the buyers ensured that over £2,000 was collected for the Rosy Cheeks Appeal.

David Domoney, flanked by Sarah Lioveri, Charity Support Officer from Greenfingers, and the charity's new Trustee and Treasurer, Mark Rachovides.