Coolings are the masters of linked sales in the planteria, closely followed by Percy Throwers Wyevale, Van Hage Great Amwell and Cowells

"Really focused on linked sales outside in the planteria and they back that up with excellent information boards about the products as well as the plants" was the judges comments about the Gold Award winning Linked Sales Team at Coolings.
Percy Throwers Wyevale and Van Hage Great Amwell both won Silver Awards and Cowells the Bronze Award.
Trevor Pfeiffer said: "Garden Centre Planterias are fast becoming the places of choice for customers to buy all they need for their planting project and from what we saw there is a great opportunity for garden centres to increase linked sales business and provide a real point of customer satisfaction – provided it is done well and above is clearly communicated." The Greatest Linked Sales Team Finalists - Aylett Nurseries
- Baytree
- Bents
- Coolings
- Cowells
- Fresh @ Burcot
- Fron Goch
- Frosts Woburn Sands
- Monkton Elm
- Percy Throwers Wyevale
- Scotsdales - Cambridge
- Van Hage Great Amwell
Bronze Award Silver Award - Percy Throwers Wyevale
- Van Hage Great Amwell
Gold Award Pictures from the judging visits and background to all of the winners will be published in future issues of GTN and GTN Xtra.