Composting Awareness Week: an opportunity
International Composting Awareness Week (5-11 May), gives the trade an opportunity to promote this unglamorous and often-neglected sales category at a time when recycling issues are high on the agenda. Composting is surrounded by a host of myths. Like… Composting is just for people with large gardens and lots of space. In fact, it can be just as rewarding for people who live in a flat and only have a balcony. Composting is easy, can be fun, saves you money and helps to grow great plants – but not everyone knows where to start, let alone how to make the most of their compost.
Garden centres who appoint a member of staff as 'composting champion' would be well-placed to sell the benefits to customers through special displays and demonstrations, particularly when linked to grow-your-own fruit and veg. Author and composting expert Nicky Scott helped to set up the Devon Community Composting Network and continues to help community composting groups around the country. He also advises schools and businesses on composting kitchen waste, engaging children and adults alike, and encourages a change in attitudes toward food waste and composting as well as getting them involved in projects. Green Books publishes a range of books suitable for anyone with an interest in learning the secrets of good composting: - How to Make and Use Compost: The Ultimate Guide (Scott)
- Composting: An easy household guide (Scott)
- Composting for All (Scott)
- Backyard Composting (Roulac)
Green Books, 01223 301 041