Chance to source new plants in Holland and Germany
The Flower Trials open days are being held for the 10th successive year in Holland and Germany this summer (10th to 13 June) – an opportunity for garden centre plant buyers and growers to source new stock ahead of the competition. A record number of 42 breeders companies will present innovations and timeless classics. Special displays are being planned to cleebrate the event’s 10th anniversary. Professional advice, marketing programmes, concepts and trend information will all be available. Growers shoiuld get a good overview to help them choose crops that will help them to differentiate in the market. Retailers will discover the latest trends and developments at the source Locations are open from 08.00 to 17.00. To see as much as possible in four days, visitors can prepare their visits online. On the Flower Trials website ( there are maps of the regions available to download to help plan your route through the Westlans, Alsmeer and Rheinland areas. With the barcode received after registration, a badge is printed at the first location that is then valid for all following locations with a simple scan. Also useful is the new Flower Trials app, available for Android and iOS, which is free to downloaded via the website or Appstores.