BBQ supplier predicts record sales this summer

Met Office forecasts of high temperatures ahead have prompted a leading barbecue supplier to predict record sales as the UK expects a third sizzling summer in a row.
"Many of our on-line and garden centre trade customers reported heavy demand for all types of barbecue last year - particularly at the top end of the market - and some ran out completely.
"A combination of sunshine and stay-at-home holidays is likely to see more barbecue get-togethers than ever this year", said Mark Osborne, chief executive of Outback International UK.
"Research tells us there's been a tripling in demand for barbecues at the premium end of our range in the past three years, which has led to the development of our stainless steel multi-facet Signature for the 2016 season", he said.
Aimed at the food-led up-market barbecue enthusiast, the Signature includes cast iron main burners, a ceramic infrared back burner, ultra fast red-hot side burner, kitchen-style storage space and a motorised rotisserie.
The Signature is factory pre-assembled with its own pallet base for delivery to the customer's specified location.
Outback's other newcomer for 2016 is the Jupiter 2,3 and 4-burner series, features at the top end of which include a removable grill to allow cooking with a pizza stone, wok or griddle, as well as a built-in cabinet storage unit.