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31546 Garden Re-Leaf#2ECB0C


Taylors dominate GYO sales
Garlic-Marco copy
Taylors Bulbs dominate the Veg-2-Gro chart with 23 entries, including eight products in the Top 10, as onion sets sell in volume.

Taylor’s Bulbs Stuttgarter, Sturon and Red Baron (pictured below) are at Nos 1, 2 and 3 in the chart respectively. Taylors also claimed the highest re-entry with Garlic Marco at No 4, and the highest new entry with Maris Piper seed potatoes at No 35.

Thompson & Morgan also had a good week with 14 entries, topped by their Beetroot Boltardy, which moved up 20 places to No 11. The company had two new enties in Climbing Bean Fasold at No 35 and Cauliflower Snowball at No 48.

Suttons are another seed company doing well at the moment with two entries in the Top 10 – Carrot Early Nantes 5 at No 7 and Beetroot Boltardy at No 9.

A third Beetroot Boltardy line figures in the chart this week from Mr Fothergills, a new entry at No 50.

See the full GTN Veg 2 Gro Bestsellers Chart here.  Subscribers Only

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