Fairy Gardening...has it got wings?
A ‘Fairy Gardening’ competition at Brechin Castle Garden Centre attracted a spectacular array of entries...
Fairy Gardening is gardening in miniature, complete with tiny living plants and luxuries which attract passing fairies. They generally include houses, furniture, pets and even mood lighting. The design and components of each fairy garden are limited only by the imagination of the entrants in creating tiny spaces, tended with love, where fairy magic can occur. Could this be the start of the big new trend? Centre MD Yvonne Ritchie is an enthusiastic follower. “It is fantastic to see such imaginative designs. Fairy gardening is perfect for all ages creating a pastime which generations of loved ones can share,” she said. “This fun hobby nurtures artistic talents and develops knowledge of gardening while less able-bodied gardeners can enjoy tending a special place without such physically demanding work. Fairy gardening is hugely popular in the US and we are delighted to see that fairy magic spreading into Angus.” Judges selected winning entries for the most creative designs in two categories – children’s and grandparents’- and awarded them £30 gift vouchers. Two runners up received £10 vouchers and all entrants were presented with certificates of merit. Right: Lucy Johnstone’s winning garden