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Why the garden industry must embrace technology
Caroline Own
Caroline Own

An HTA white paper, ‘How to profit from a connected  world’, launched this week at Contact 2013 in Bromsgrove, highlights the importance of embracing technology in the garden industry.

Caroline Owen, HTA President and chair of the HTA Marketing Committee, said the paper outlined some of the technologies driving change. “Based on research among  consumers and across different industries, this paper explores how these technologies may change the shape of gardening and garden retailing in the coming decade. We want it to provoke ideas and debate about what potential technology holds for invigorating  the nation’s favourite pastime,” she added.

It explores how both consumers and staff of garden centres will benefit from websites, QR codes and apps available to them in seconds through the use of a smart phone or tablet. QR codes can be printed on plant related material to provide the consumer with more information and assurance about what they’re considering purchasing. In addition, applications for smart phones are using consumer information  to provide tailored tips and reminders for their particular garden.

HTA market information manager, David Denny said Smart phone and tablet ownership was increasing rapidly. “More use is being made of the potential to help inspire and inform customers  about plants through smart technology. Consumers want access to information on the go.”

According to Future Foundation consumer surveys, more than half of our highest garden spending age group (British 45-64 year olds) will own a smart phone by 2014. A 2012  report published by the Sponge Group1 said 42% of smart phone owners in June 2012 claimed to have used their device to compare prices or look up information on a product in store. Technology intervention is likely to be well received by the garden retail staff, who advise more than three million people a year on gardening matters.

‘How to profit from a connected world’ suggests a starting point for garden businesses to review how technology can really increase the value our customers get from plants, their gardens,  and service. Garden businesses can then begin to prioritise and apply the technologies effectively as they move into the mobile information and communication age.

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