More than 30 companies are to take part in the second edition of Garden Trials and Trade in the Netherlands this summer (Plantarium building, Hazerswoude-Dorp, 11-13 June 2019).
Garden Trials and Trade is a breeders’ showcase for the latest woody plants and perennials. Breeders and specialist licensing agents will exhibit their most recent innovations, offering professional growers a unique opportunity to see them in full bloom in the middle of the gardening season.

Participants will include companies from the Greenport Boskoop region and other parts of the Netherlands, plus companies from Germany, France, Switzerland and the US.
Layout The fair will look ‘green and transparent’, with 1.8m hedges acting as partitions between the stands. Exhibitors and their customers will be able to meet in the centrally located Green Café.
Novelty showcase Novelties will be judged by a professional judging committee from the Koninklijke Vereniging voor Boskoopse Culturen (The Royal Society for Boskoop Cultures). The best novelty will be announced on Tuesday morning. All the entries will be on display near the entrance.
More information The website will regularly be updated with new information from participants and organisers. Entry is free for trade visitors with a promotional ticket and/or through digital pre-registration.