Westland/GCA Rising Stars 2016 deadline extended

Above: Westland/GCA Rising Stars Class of 2015. Sophie Liebthal from Coolings (3rd from left) was the eventual winner.
There have been so many entries right up to the end of the deadline announced at GCA Conference that its been extended until midnight on Wednesday 24th February.
So if you have someone in your team who would benefit from the programme - someone who could be a manager of the future - then send your entry in promptly. The benefits of the programme are many - learning new skills, meeting like-minded people, seeing different garden centres - and most of all - helping build self-confidence. Send your completed entries to Pat Adams at GCA Pat Adams pat@gca.org.uk
If you didn't pick up an entry form at Conference in Brighton last month contact the GCA office as above or Keith Nicholson, Marketing Director at Westland Horticulture.