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LOCOG’s Greg Nugent to speak at GCA conference

The former Director of Brand, Marketing & Culture for the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) will be speaking at the Garden Centre Association’s (GCA) conference later this month...

Greg Nugent, who was responsible for all aspects of imagery, branding, marketing, public interaction and creative input of the Games, will share his experiences with delegates on January 29.

Peter Burks, Chairman of the GCA, said: “Greg had a truly fascinating and varied job in the run up to and during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. He was responsible for the ways in which the public, both those attending or watching at home, interacted, perceived and felt a part of the Olympics and Paralympics.

“He was involved in the design of the ‘spectator experience’, which is something no other Olympic Games had considered, as well as the look and feel of the event.

“From his experience with this once in a lifetime event, Greg has drawn lessons that can apply to any brand or business of any size and type and we are privileged that he will be sharing this invaluable knowledge with us.”

In Greg’s role as Director of Brand, Marketing & Culture for LOCOG he was involved in the design of the Olympic venues, public opinion and the opening ceremony. He worked extensively with those responsible for delivering and operating the Games. He also developed the concept of Games Makers.

Greg is now Deputy Chair of the Join in Trust, an organisation that has evolved the idea of localism and volunteers based on the Games Makers.

Peter added: “As anyone who visited the Olympics and Paralympics will know, the training and organisation of the volunteers was amazing.”

More than 300 delegates from the nation’s leading garden centres, including independents and chains, are expected to attend the annual GCA Conference.

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