Spook-tacular Halloween events at Wyevale Garden Centres

To bring all things supernatural to life this Halloween, Wyevale Garden Centres will be inviting children to get crafty during October half-term with a series of spook-tacular special events.
The events, at 45 selected centres nationwide, are aimed at children aged between three and eight years old, and designed to entertain and inspire growing imaginations.
Your ‘Little Monsters’ will be offered the chance to create a spooky spider, carve their own pumpkin and decorate a terracotta pot to plant a haunted heather.
Alongside all of this frightful fun, there will also be special ‘Fangtastic Parties’ to be booked with a fancy dress ‘monster mash’ and lots of exciting activities including bewitching baking, monstrous musical statues and petrifying pizza with unlimited squash.
Finally, for those who would like the chance to win a £50 kid’s tool hamper, Wyevale Garden Centres are asking participants to take a picture of their little one taking part in a Little Monster activity and post it on the Facebook page – where the post with the most likes will win.
Terms and conditions apply, visit https://www.facebook.com/LittleDiggers.WyevaleGC/ for more details