Something for everyone at GIMA Golf & Activity Day

Running alongside GIMA’s annual Charity Golf Day on June 8, will be the inaugural GIMA Kwik Cricket and Laser Clay Shooting Challenge.
This fun and accessible day will be open to anyone who wants to come along and enjoy some fun and relaxation in the glorious county of Shropshire.
Participants will start the day by arriving at the Telford Hotel and Golf Resort, before having coffee and a bacon butty with the golfers.
You’ll then transported to Lilleshall, around 20 minutes from the hotel, for the day’s activities.
Set in the shadow of the Lilleshall Monument, you’ll be welcomed to the village cricket ground where you’ll enjoy this fun and easy version of cricket suitable for all ages, genders and abilities.
Whist taking a break from the cricket, take aim with state-of-the-art, laser-adapted rifles and see how many clays you can hit as they speed through the air.
There’s also time to enjoy a cricket tea in the sunshine, whilst watching your colleagues battle it out on the pitch or with the rifles.
After taking part, you’ll be transported back to the Telford Hotel and Golf Resort where you can relax and get ready for our charity prize giving dinner, where the day’s golfers will also join proceedings.
To take part in this event all you need to do is put together a team of six people, either colleagues or customers and clear the date in your diary!
Full details about the GIMA Charity Golf and Activity Day, including details on how to enter, can be found at