Bents, Fron Goch and Poppies Oban strike gold in GTN's Greatest Team of the Year Awards
The presentation of GTN's Greatest Garden Centre Team Awards took place at the HTA Garden Futures dinner on Wednesday evening and Garden Centre Team of the Year golds went to Bents (large centres), Fron Goch (mid-sized) and Poppies of Oban (small).
The Greatest Garden Centre Customer Service Team of the Year, sponsored by Elho
- Aylett Nurseries
- Barton Grange
- Bents
- Burston
- Coolings
- Fron Goch
- Mains of Drum
- Perrywood
- Scotsdales Cambridge
- Squires Badshot Lea

Gold Award - Barton Grange (above) Silver Award - Aylett Nurseries (below) Bronze Award - Fron Goch

The Greatest Garden Care Retail Team of the Year, sponosred by Briers
- Aylett Nurseries
- Barton Grange
- Baytree
- Burston
- Coolings
- Cowells
- Fron Goch
- Haskins Ferndown
- Scotsdales Cambridge
- Squires Badshot Lea

Gold Award - Haskins Ferndown (above) Silver Award - Barton Grange (below) Bronze Award - Coolings (above)

The Greatest Garden Centre Team of the Year, sponosred by the HTA.
- Altons
- Aylett Nurseries
- Barton Grange
- Bents
- Burston
- Castle Gardens
- Chessington
- Coolings
- Cowells
- Fresh@Burcot
- Fron Goch
- Green Pastures
- Haskins Ferndown
- Mains of Drum
- Notcutts Woodford Park
- Perrywood
- Poppies Oban
- Scotsdales Cambridge
- Squires Badshot Lea
- Timmermans
- Trentham Blue Diamond
- Woodside Plant Centre
The Greatest Garden Centre Team of the Year, Small Centre Team winners:
- Gold Award - Poppies, Oban
- Silver Award - Green Pastures, Norwich
- Bronze Award - Fresh@Burcot Garden Centre
The Greatest Garden Centre Team of the Year, Mid-size Centre Team winners:
- Gold Award - Fron Goch
- Silver Award - Mains of Drum
- Bronze Award - Timmermans
The Greatest Garden Centre Team of the Year, Large Centre Team winners
 - Gold Award - Bents (above)
- Silver Award - Coolings (below)
- Bronze Award - Squires Badshot Lea (below)

The next leg of The Greatest Awards for 2016 is The Greatest Marketing Team Awards which will be presented at the HTA Marketing Forum on November 8th. If you believe your marketing team are The Greatest then get your nomination in today to: