April was as bad as 2013 in the end and that is official! The GTN Bestsellers All Product Index for April came in at 15% down on April 2015 and just on a par with April 2013, which was previously one of the worst Aprils for a long time.
Unsurprisingly plant sales were hit last week, down 4.4% according to the EPoS data supplied by garden centres for GTN Bestsellers every week.
The frosts didn’t deter those customers brave enough to venture out from buying Pelargoniums, Fuchsias and Petunias in increased volumes.
The three most popular plants grouped by genus saw week on week sales increases of 47%, 25%and 47% respectively.
The biggest week-on-week jump by plant genus grouping came from Verbenas. Sales grew by 150% to make them the 9th most popular UK Garden Plant as we move into May.
With plant areas fully stocked and looking good, how do you plant to make up for the lost sales in April? Are you just relying on the weather or have you got your social media activity up to full throttle to make sure customers come and buy from you?
GTN Bestsellers Top 50 sales volumes compared to the same week last year...