Glee 2015 was a great success for retailers
Post Glee comment from Brechin Castle, Perrywood, Scotsdales, Squires, Hillview, Haskins, Fosseway, Caulders, Green Pastures, Fron Goch, Baytree and Choice Marketing

As Glee 2015 closed, event organisers i2i events and exhibitors unanimously claimed the show a success. But what of the views of the visiting retailers. After the show GTN Xtra talked with a number of visitors to guage their post Glee reaction...
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Game On Glovie at the shock Japan rugby result

GTN Xtra has learned that the lucky omen responsible for the shock Japan Rugby World Cup win in Brighton last night was a Greenfingers #Glovie, taken just as the match got under way...
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Sunday trading proposals will boost the rural economy and benefit consumers, says HTA
The Horticultural Trades Association this week set out its strong support for the Government’s proposals to devolve power over Sunday trading rules, arguing that a relaxation of the rules would deliver significant economic benefits for garden centres and wider social benefits to families and hobby gardeners...

HTA Chief Executive Carol Paris seen here with Adam Wigglesworth from Aylett Nurseries, who was appointed as President of the Association, taking over the role from Stan Green of Growforth.
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New active ingredient for Provado Ultimate Bug Killer
The UK’s number one insecticide, Provado Ultimate Bug Killer, will have a new active ingredient in 2016: deltamethrin...
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Making the most of all the new product opportunities
After what was acclaimed by most people as a very successful Glee, now’s the time to start making the most of all the new product opportunities showcased at this year’s show...

Glee New Products will also feature on BBC National airwaves, with Boyd Douglas-Davies from Hillview Garden Centres (pictured above) being interviewed by BBC Radio 4’s You and Yours programme.
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Thrillers and spillers for October plant sales
Here’s a great Bestsellers tip from the Green Heart of Glee. Kevin Waters created 12 month by month merchandising ideas within the plant displays...
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Glee-ful time for Greenfingers

Greenfingers, the national charity dedicated to creating gardens and outdoor spaces for children in hospices around the country, had an extremely busy and productive time at Glee this week. Capitalising on having so many industry supporters under one roof it was an extremely fruitful few days for the Greenfingers team who were launching new initiatives, fundraising, meeting up with old contacts and making new ones...
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Wyevale Nurseries becomes a NATO ally
One of the UK’s leading commercial nurseries, Wyveale Nurseries, has this month become a supporter of the National Association of Tree Officers (NATO). Sales and marketing director Adam Dunnett said: "We are backing the vital work of putting trees into the urban landscape.”
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All 'pouffed' up after winning three new product awards

Fallen Fruits is celebrating after winning three awards at this year's Glee New Product Showcase...
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New look Town & Country goes down a storm
At the end of an exceptionally busy and fruitful three days at Glee, Town & Country says the unveiling of its new brand image has gone down a storm with show visitors.
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All the latest news from the world of garden centre catering
Green Pastures' new restaurant crowned 'Best in Norfolk'

Last September the new restaurant at Green Pastures Plant Centre was just a big hole in the ground. This week, just 4 months after opening their brand new 100 seater restaurant, Green Pastures in Bergh Apton near Norwich were celebrating a massive win scooping top prize for the "Best Restaurant" in the Eastern Daily Press Norfolk Food and Drink Awards...
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Back to the future for orchid feeders
When GTN Bestsellers published the first chart at Glee 2008, Fito Orchid drip feeders were the No 1 bestselling product to many people’s surprise. Now, after a few years of disappearing from the top of the chart, they are back selling in high volumes to regain the top spot with Orchid Myst hard on their heels at No 2...
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Onions set the pace for veg sales
Onion sets and garlic bulbs are the key drivers for Veg-2-Grow sales this week in the GN Bestellers charts. Seven of the top 10 bestselling lines are onion sets or garlic varieties, one more than in the Top 10 for the same time last year...
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Autumn growing gets growing
Autumn growing activity really got going last week as sales of growing media products saw a big jump week on week.
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Save the Date: HTA Marketing Forum 2015 – Tuesday 10 November
Taking place at Chesford Grange, Warwickshire on Tuesday 10 November, the HTA is excited to announce its first HTA Marketing Forum...
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APL win Gold at Harrogate Autumn Flower Show
The APL and two APL members have received a Gold medal for their garden at the Harrogate Autumn Flower Show...
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Glee New Product Awards 2015 results
Nine ground-breaking new garden products have been confirmed as the winners of the coveted Glee New Product Awards 2015, with Baksaver Barrows (above) winning the Glee Innovation Award...
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Green Digit win the second GIMA Innovator’s Seed Corn Fund
Green Digit are the 2015 GIMA Innovator’s Seed Corn Fund winners and collect a prize of £5,000. Launched in 2014 the GIMA Innovators’ Seed Corn Fund is designed to encourage new businesses, designers and innovators to enter the garden retail market.
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Glee Buyers Power List 2015 winners
The winners of the Glee Buyers Power List – the major new gardening buyer awards initiative introduced by Glee for the first time this year – are Haskins (pictured), gardensite.co.uk, Blue Diamond, Homebase and John Lewis...
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Adam Wigglesworth becomes HTA President at Glee
Adam Wigglesworth, Director of Aylett Nurseries in St Albans, was duly elected as President of the HTA for the next two years at the HTA AGM held on Tuesday 15th September at the NEC Birmingham...
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