Wyevale Garden Centres launches new e-commerce site

Wyevale Garden Centres has launched its new e-commerce website to all customers, following a trial period for Garden Club members. This launch is central to the businesses ambition to become fully multi-channel.
After an intensive period of testing and market research, this fully transactional website is now ready to use. Customers will now be able to access thousands of Wyevale Garden Centres’ best-selling products online at the click of a button, with the option to have products delivered direct to their home.
The website also provides an extensive Advice and Inspiration section for customers with over 130 articles and 50 videos, ensuring that the same expertise and assistance provided in centre is also offered online. The tips cover every aspect of gardening, from sowing to growing, and will be helpful to even the most green-fingered readers. Though this website is a platform for e-commerce, it is also a unique resource for Britain’s gardeners to derive consistently good quality and trusted advice.
The new website will be fully optimised for all devices making it even easier for customers to access these handy tips whether using a laptop in the kitchen or a mobile phone at the bottom of the garden.
Customers can expect to see a wide range of Wyevale Garden Centres' most popular products online, including everything from seeds to shovels. The website will also sell fresh plants, with the business having undertaken extensive work and development to ensure that our customers will receive products in perfect quality.
Jim Clear, Head of Multi-Channel at Wyevale Garden Centres says, ‘After months of intensive planning, research, and development we are ready to present this new and exciting website to our customers. This new website reflects the values of our business, providing expert tips and advice to customers and an excellent range of products to choose from. It is of central importance to us that the customers’ online experience meets the standard they have come to expect from our centres up and down the country.
He continues, ‘We will now be able to bring our service to customers who are not currently able to frequently or conveniently visit our centres and we are confident that whether you are new to Wyevale Garden Centres or have shopped with us for years, you will have a great experience using our new website.’
For more information visit www.wyevalegardencentres.co.uk