Johnsons' newly introduced range of Microgreens for the 2014/15 season looks set to strike a chord with those whose modern lifestyles leave little time for vegetable growing.
They perhaps have little or no garden and yet would like to be part of the ongoing 'grow your own' revolution, which is tempting a new generation to appreciate the value and satisfaction of producing at least some of our own food.
Microgreens - the closest thing yet to 'instant' vegetables - are becoming popular thanks to celebrity chefs, and it is easy for consumers to produce their own delicious 'mini-crops' in as little as two weeks on the kitchen windowsill, according to Johnsons. The tiny plants have the essence of the mature plants without the more extensive care and maintenance required to grow them.
Best described as ultra-baby leaf vegetables, these seedlings add a fresh and punchy flavour 'bombshell' to just about any savoury dish from sandwiches to steaks, stir-fries to soups, or used simply as an attractive and tasty garnish. "Microgreens are packed full of nutrients, and because they are harvested younger they have an even more intense taste", says Johnsons Helen Clayton. "They are such a quick, easy and nutritious way of adding great flavours to cooking".
Johnsons offer Microgreens in two formats. A high quality, reusable growing tray and three packets of seeds to get home chefs started is merchandised in a display box, each containing 12 trays. In addition there is a mini-range of eight Microgreen varieties such as beetroot, basil and rocket, merchandised on a small stand for consumers to buy separately. They are ideal for year-round sales and suitable for many positions in-store.
To find out more about Johnsons Microgreens and its other innovative ranges, log on at www.johnsons-trade.com or telephone 01638 554111.