Garden centres are now de-stocking their shrub benches in the winter preferring to order plants in early spring, according to one of the UK’s leading commercial nurseries.
Wyevale Nurseries says garden centres have recently changed their buying patterns to match those of consumers and despite campaigns designed to encourage autumn planting, spring still remains the key season.
Sales and Marketing Director, Adam Dunnett (left) said: “Gardeners seem to be less confident about planting in the autumn months despite this being an ideal time to do so and now garden centres are de-stocking through the winter to mirror this trend.
“To help plant buyers and garden centres maximise their shrub sales opportunities, we’ve introduced a service we’re calling ‘The Early Bird Shrub Offer’ with 15% off on 200 shrub varieties.
“Making the most of the early season shrub sales is critical. Our Early Bird Shrub Offer enables garden centre plant buyers to secure the very best range of three litre shrubs. It will give them priority deliveries when they want them during February and March 2015, in small three plus trolley drops.
“Those that place a reserve from the range by the end of October 2014 will receive 15% discount off our list price on stock to be delivered between February and the end of March 2015. They can have as many deliveries as they like through February and March as long as they have a minimum of three trollies.”
Wyevale Nurseries is one of the largest family-run wholesale nurseries in the UK. It was established in 1928 by Harry Williamson, a horticulturist and entrepreneur. It became the company it is today under the leadership of his son, Peter, who sadly passed away in 2011.
The Williamsons’ saw the opportunity to sell their product to an undeveloped retail market, creating one of the first garden centres, followed by a chain. In 1987, the retail side needed to expand and the 19 garden centres were sold as a PLC.
The family then turned its focus to Wyevale Nurseries Ltd. It continues to be a family-run business with ownership and joint chairmanship currently being held by the third generation, Heather and Simeon Williamson, with plans for the fourth generation to takeover in the future.
Wyevale Nurseries has a significant product range and is regularly introducing new plants. It offers a large variety of trees, shrubs, hedging, herbaceous and specimen plants to garden centres, landscape contractors, local authorities, foresters and landowners.
For further details about Wyevale Nurseries, which is based in Hereford, please call 01432 845 200 or visit www.wyevalenurseries.co.uk.