Haskins Snowhill plans get go-ahead despite Green Belt fears
The redevelopment of Haskins at Snowhill has been given the go-ahead, despite the planning authority’s reservations about development on Green Belt land...
Tandridge District Council say the proposals constitute “inappropriate development” but outweigh the potential harm. Approval is subject to special conditions and the consent of the Secretary of State.
The application involves new buildings, an extra 100 parking spaces and a new access to the site.
Haskins said the new centre would offer customers a significantly improved shopping and dining experience with all products and facilities contained within a single building with wider aisles, better lighting, more covered space and a larger restaurant. The plant department will be re-orientated to the south. The development will provide an additional 80 jobs.
The planners said in a statement: “Whilst the scheme would constitute inappropriate development as it would be materially larger than the existing buildings and the extension of the car park would result in encroachment into the countryside, nevertheless it is judged that very special circumstances exist to outweigh this harm.
“The proposal would not result in significant harm to the amenities of neighbouring properties and would respect the character and appearance of the area.”