Bents, The Old Railway Line and Haskins Roundstone were crowned The Greatest Garden Centre Teams of 2015 at the end of GTN's The Greatest Awards ON TOUR 2015, presented after dinner during HTA Futures last week.

The final category of The Greatest Awards ON TOUR 2015, The Greatest Garden Centre Teams, is a culmination and aggregation of our experts views from the hundreds of visits made during this summer. There were three awards for Gold, Silver and Bronze grouping the garden centres together as Large Garden Centre Teams, Small Garden Centre Teams and Garden Centre Teams that are part of Groups.
HTA Immediate Past President joined Carol Paris and Trevor Pfeiffer on stage to present the awards.
GTN's MD, Trevor Pfeifer said; "from our judging visits it’s clear our garden centre teams are people we should be proud of. Performance at this level does not happen by chance, this is really where great teamwork is at it’s best."
"The Gold Winning small garden centre team are on the right track from The Old Railway Line in Wales."
The judges said of the Gold winning team froma group of centres, Haskins Roundstone; “they are setting high standards for professional garden centre retailing.”
HTA CEO, Carol Paris told HTA Futures dinner guests: "There may have been close decisions for Bronze and Silver in the large team groupings but this year in The Greatest Awards there was a standout Gold winner – The Greatest Garden Centre team are from Bents!"
The Greatest Garden Centre Team of the Year Full Results, sponsored by the HTA
- Alton's
- Barton Grange
- Bents
- Chessington
- Coolings
- Cowells
- Fron Goch
- Frosts Woburn Sands
- Gouldings
- Groves Bridport
- Haskins Roundstone
- Newbridge, Blue Diamond
- Perrywood
- Polhill
- St Peters
- The Old Railway Line
- Woodside Plant Centre
- Wyevale Percy Throwers
Bronze Award - Small centre: Cowells
Bronze Award - Large centre: Scotsdales
Bronze Award - Group of centres: Wyevale Percy Throwers
Silver Award - Small centre: Fron Goch
Silver Award - Large centre: Barton Grange
Silver Award - Group of centres: Newbridge, Blue Diamond
Gold Award – Small centre: The Old Railway Line
Gold Award – Large centre: Bents
Gold Award – Group of centres: Haskins Roundstone