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31546 Garden Re-Leaf#2ECB0C


Landscaping firm hit by burglars four times in five nights

Equipment worth thousands of pounds was stolen from a landscaping business over a five-night period.

David Penny is appealing for information after his design and landscaping business was broken into on four separate occasions. The business is based at the former Greetham Garden Centre near Stamford.

Stolen items belonging to Mr Penny, including lawnmowers, pressure washers, drills and a 6ft high fibreglass statue of a Grecian woman were taken during the break-ins.

Wood used to build raised beds was also taken, as well as scaffolding, and it is believed a large vehicle was used.

Mr Penny is now appealing for anyone who is offered any items they believe to be suspicious to get in touch with the police as soon as possible.

Thieves cut sections of the surrounding fencing and broke padlocks to get into the site and on each of the occasions, Mr Penny repaired the damage only for it to happen again.

Police have also stepped up patrols in the area and are monitoring the site.

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