The Europlants Open Days on the February 20-21 promise to be a spectacular success with an even greater range of plants for visitors to see.
Garden Centre buyers will be delighted by the 130-plus trolley deals that are on offer from the nursery.
Europlants General Manager Oscar Puig said: 'We have worked very hard to ensure the plants can be sold to achieve very attractive retail prices. It's the best selection we’ve ever had and the team are very excited."
The special discounts on the day cover the whole nursery so it is the perfect opportunity if you are looking for that particular feature plant or something special for your scheme.
As well as the trolley deal there will be stunning displays, extra discount deals, a famously good Italian Hot buffet and a fun Charity Event in aid of the Greenfingers Appeal.
The day is being hosted by TV Garden present David Domoney who says: "It's always good weather, the food is great and the plants are even better! A great day and everyone leaves happy."
Pictured below, a selection of displays from last year's event.