‘Prepare for the threats of tomorrow’, is the call to action behind theUK Plant Biosecurity Conference taking place on 30 May at FERA’s headquarters near York.
Interest in the event is building fast with the following businesses among those already booked to attend: Alba Trees, Christie Elite Nurseries, Dukeswood Nursery, Fargro, Frank P Matthews, J & A Growers, Johnsons of Whixley, Oakover Nurseries, Trees Please, Wee Tree Wholesale Nurseries and Wyevale Nurseries.
Following the current issues surrounding biosecurity and the changes to plant-health regulation, the conference aims to identify an action plan for both regulators and the industry; the proposal being to minimise the threat to the UK environment whilst developing a strong and thriving UK production industry.
Organised in association with Confor and supported by HDC and Fera, the day will be structured around 3 core discussions: understanding the threats; learning the lessons and where to go from here. A range of academic, policy and industry views on how better to prepare the UK against future plant health threats will feature throughout.
Defra Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Lord de Mauley, will open the conference followed by Oliver Rackham OBE who will present his thoughts on the importance of trees within the environment, their current health status and why protecting this matters so much.
A Life Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge and an acknowledged authority on the British countryside, especially trees, woodlands and wood pasture, Rackham has written a number of well-known books, including The History of the Countryside and one on Hatfield Forest.
Further speakers who include top plant health officials, Julie Hitchcock and Martin Ward from Defra, will look at the lessons from the Chalara outbreak and the future for the UK Plant Health policy. Martin Ward also joins an expert panel that will explore industry and Government views of what went wrong and how to prevent a future incident.
Additional breakout sessions will focus on the two distinct plant supply chains of forestry and amenity/retail exploring the depth of issues within each sector.
The day’s content is relevant to a wide range of stakeholders, including growers, retailers, landowners, local authorities and contractors, as well as policy makers. It will be a unique occasion for them to join with regulators and NGOs to present their concerns as well as potential solutions and shape future regulation of the sector.
Book your places online today or complete and return the booking form to the HTA Events Team. For further information please contact the HTA Events Team by emailing events@the-hta.org.uk or calling 0118 9303132.