The 132-strong team at Highfield Garden World in Gloucestershire now includes members of not two but three generations of the founding Greenway family. Emma Greenway, 25, has recently joined her father, aunt and grandmother in the family business.
In its 97-year history, Highfield has gone from a small business growing willow for basket-makers to the popular (10,000 customers a week) restaurant and retail destination it is today.
Emma's arrival is the latest in a long line of changes which the Greenways have implemented and navigated over the years. She spent a couple of years in the business previously, before leaving to start a family and work in property for a while. Now she's back, and by all accounts it's for good.
Emma commented: "I feel proud and excited to be back in the family business and part of future plans. In my current role I am part of the cash office team and I am responsible for processing the takings from each department every day for analysis.
"I also run the various customer coach trips which we organise to take customers to lovely events and places around the country. The combination of these two means I spend proper time getting to know some of our customers, and it also gives me really useful insight into what sells well and when across the whole site."
Joan Greenway, MD, founder and Emma's grandmother, said: "It's great that another generation of the family is now involved, and Emma certainly has the determination you need to succeed in what is a very competitive market."
Emma's father Tim Greenway added: "She's definitely not shy in voicing ideas and opinions, and we don't always see eye to eye, but I know of old that's all part and parcel of working with family! As she gains experience and insight her contribution will become increasingly important."
When asked about any future plans for Highfield, Emma said: "I am still learning and taking everything on board at the moment but I can see our restaurant has been a fantastic success to the point that it's now full to capacity, so I think as a business we would benefit from looking at ways to develop that further.
"Helping customers with busy lifestyles get the most from whatever outside space and free time they may have is vitally important and we are all working to expand our range of instant impact, zero maintenance products going forward - for example items like colourful pots and planters, garden mirrors, good-looking outdoor furniture and even artificial grass. In fact I'm having some put down in my own little patch of outside space this summer!"