Now the fine weather has finally arrived, Seiont Nurseries are busier than ever. Their range of plugs and liners are being shipped to every corner of the UK.
Heucheras are looking good and the nursery still have 20,000 P9 available now.
Mid-Late Summer Sales
New Season Perennial plugs are also looking great! Sunsparkler Sedums, Jewel Of the Desert Delosperma and Star Series Sempervivum are perfect for immediate potting for a fast finish. Deciduous shrubs are coming into life, ideal for potting now for mid-late summer sales.
Availability Lists
Seiont have a great selection of many other liners and plugs available now. For the new, full availability listings you can also download a copy here:
Shrubs & Perennials in plugs
There is now a bigger selection of Shrubs and Perennials in plugs with Seiont offering free delivery for just a single trolley of 28 trays.
For further information, please don't hesitate to contact Seiont at their sales office on 01286 676418.