Napoleon’s TravelQ 285X wins top BBQ Award

Napoleon Grills' new TravelQ 285X has just won the Vesta Award for Best New Gas Grill at the Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Expo 2014, in America. New to the UK this year and due to arrive with stockists shortly, the TravelQ 285X, complete with scissor cart, is believed to be the first dual burner portable grill of its type on the market. It also features windproof technology with special attention having been paid to the position and angle of the vents, allowing sufficient air in, but keeping gales out so that burners stay alight. Other features include a large cooking area of 1840cm2 with cast iron cooking grates, JETFIRE ignition and temperature gauge. The scissor cart has shelves, utensil holders, wheels for mobility and locks securely when in position. It has completely folding legs which when folded double up as a hanger for wall hanging storage. The TravelQ 285X retails at £339.99. Visit email call 01676 522788 or tweet @NapoleonGrills to find out more or to become a stockist.