Remain 57% - Leave 43%
GTN Xtra readers EU referendum Survey results

A survey of GTN Xtra readers has resulted in a clear majority stating they will be voting for the UK to remain in the EU in the Referendum on June 23rd.
Over 200 readers took part in the survey from all parts of the UK and covering suppliers, retailers and other members of the UK garden retailing community.

Regionally, all parts of the UK saw a majority for remaining in the EU. However there were larger majorities to stay in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland than in England.

You can read a full analysis together with comments given by respondents in the June issue of Garden Trade News.
Whilst the initial survey closed on May 20th, we have now re-opened the survey and will keep it open until the actual Referendum so that we can monitior and report on any changes in the way our readers are planning to vote. Here is a link to the survey click here
Please note our survey system only accepts one response per subscribers e-mail address.