Glee 2016 is officially sold out!

As the garden retail industry makes final preparations for attending or visiting Glee 2016 next week (Monday 12th – Wednesday 14th September, NEC Birmingham), the show’s organisers, i2i Events, has confirmed that the exhibition is now officially sold out!
Fully booked wall to wall, there is not a single exhibition stand left, meaning Glee 2016 is now full to capacity. This is the first time that the show has sold out in its entirety for several years, and is testament to the changes that have been made to the show to create a revitalised and exciting platform for the garden industry to meet, launch new products and build better business.
This year’s show is set to welcome over 550 exhibitors, including 100 international brands plus 220 lapsed or new brands. Together these companies will create the most exciting showcase for the garden and outdoor living sector. Nowhere else in the UK can you see such an unrivalled selection of bestselling products, latest innovation, inspirational merchandising displays and future trends under one roof.
Glee’s Event Director Matthew Mein said: “I am so pleased to be able to confirm that Glee 2016 is now officially sold out! The industry has positively responded to the changes that have been taking place at Glee, and this sell-out year is proof of this. We’ve no doubt that our exhibitors will have an amazing show. All year they have been working closely with Glee’s team to build their profile and to make the most of their presence at the show. I am sure this will translate into some really exciting content once the doors open on Glee in just three days’ time.
“I strongly urge any garden retail buyer who hasn’t planned a trip to Glee to reconsider. This year’s Glee isn’t just about numbers; it’s about offering the strongest showcase of brands that are coming to the show ready and eager to do business. We’ve already heard of hundreds of exciting new products that are set to revolutionise gardening in 2017, as well as being set to drive profits for retailers. As Glee continues to grow and develop, we believe that it offers even more benefits for retailers than ever before, and we hope they will all join us next week to find out more!”
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