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The Pot Place Garden Centre

The Pot Place Garden Centre is crowdfunding

raised of £20,000 target by 69 supporters

Weʼre raising £20,000 to buy ex NHS ambulances, paramedic motorbikes, and 4x4 response vehicles drive them to Lviv and donate them to the Ukrainian Ambulance Service

Penrith, Cumbria
27 days to go

Don't have time to donate right now?


Update 8.4.2024 - 🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧 Our next Ambulance Appeal is launched today! 🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧 Since the invasion of Ukraine more than two years ago we have made many trips out there to take urgently needed medical and humanitarian aid. Your donations have made this possible. Today we're launching our next appeal to take 3 vehicles, an ambulance (our 8th) and two 4x4 rapid response cars. Please help if you can by either donating here on our Just Giving page or in person at the garden centre. Thank you for your continued support, our friends in Ukraine need our help more than ever!! 🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧

Update 22.3.24 - 🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧 After meeting up this morning with our good friends from Lviv EMS we are now in the city. The two ambulances will head straight to the frontline along with their contents. A major success after the journey we’ve had! Thanks to Jim & Butch for keeping our spirits up along the way and big thanks to local businessman Ewan Ritchie for donating the entire contents of the big Iveco - hundreds of 12v power inverters that will be used to power all manner of equipment directly from a vehicle battery in frontline areas. The team in Lviv were as grateful as ever. Thank you to all who have donated and supported The Pot Place and please keep on giving as they are still in dire need of more vehicles and equipment. We promise to keep coming if you will keep supporting our work! 🇺🇦🚑🚑🇬🇧

Update 10.3.24 - Thanks to our good friends James & Ashley at RTC Medical Solutions Ltd and several large donations we now have a second ambulance! This one is a 4x4 too so will be very useful near the frontline 🇺🇦. We will be leaving for Ukraine in a weeks time to deliver our 6th & 7th ambulance, thank you too all who have supported and continue to donate to our appeal, we can’t do this without you 🇺🇦🚑🚑🇬🇧

Update 13.1.24 - Good news, we have the next ambulance! Just a bit of work to do to get this one ready for use so in the meantime we're looking for other useful vehicles to take along at the same time. 4wd pickups and cars, ambulances and even quad bikes are of use to medical teams on the frontline. If you have anything you'd like to donate please get in touch! Thanks to all who have donated so far, lets keep the effort up our Ukrainian friends need us more than ever 🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧

Update 5.11.23

During our last visit in October we once again heard of ambulances being targeted and emergency workers being injured or killed. Because of this our friends in Ukraine still need a constant supply of ambulances and 4wd cars. The cars are adapted to take stretchers and will be used closer to the frontline as evacuation vehicles. Faster in - faster out. We are aiming to take another 4x4 and an ambulance as soon as possible. So our efforts continue, to raise money & invite donations. If you can help to fund the vehicles and equipment - we will stand the costs of taking everything to Ukraine as always. It's a team effort!

From all the team we'd like to thank you for your amazing support so far but lets keep it going!!! 🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧

🇺🇦 Success! 🇺🇦 Great day yesterday (October 14th) when everyone’s hard work paid off. We met our friends before the Polish border and they performed their usual magic at customs. Especially when they saw the third bike inside the ambulance 😬 It might have meant unloading everything and riding that bike through too but their Ukrainian charm won the day! All vehicles and supplies delivered under blue lights to the centre of Lviv ambulance station. Once again there was tremendous gratitude all round, they really do appreciate your donations that make this happen. Our ambulance and shogun will be in the frontline areas in the next two days saving the lives of military and civilians. The bikes will go to Kyiv, Dnipro and Odessa. We met Julia and Igor from Motohealth Odessa. They had travelled over 900kms to meet us and were delighted with their bike. After we met they collected the bike and were riding it home. We’ll tell you more about these extraordinary people in the days and weeks to come, but for now please keep giving and we'll keep taking emergency vehicles to help the people of Ukraine 🇺🇦🚑🏍️🇬🇧

🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧 Update 1.10.23 🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧

We have the ambulance we need to make our journey to Lviv! With your help through donations we've just bought the ambulance to take with our 4x4 and bikes to Lviv. Thanks to RTC Medical Solutions who also included a whole load of medical supplies and equipment with the ambulance. We can now plan our journey which will start next Tuesday.

Update 24.9.23 - 🇺🇦 Fantastic news this week !!! 🇺🇦

This week we received 3 donated Paramedic Motorcycles! All serviced up and ready to go to work in Ukraine. This is a fantastic boost for our latest project to support the Motohelp charities in Kyiv, Odessa and Dnipro. But we still need an ambulance to take with us so please keep donating to our fundraising page and we'll start the search! Hopefully we can be over there early in October. Thanks for all your help so far 🙂

Update 14.9.23 - Great News!!

We now have a 4x4 to take to Ukraine thanks to everyone's fundraising efforts! We hope to have more good news shortly regarding paramedic motorcycles but in the meantime we're concentrating on getting together any medical equipment we can to take with us. Thanks to everyone who has donated - lets keep it going 🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧

Update 9.8.23 -

After a fantasic fundraising night last Friday, and several private donations, we have now reached one third of our target! We have also secured 3 paramedic motorbikes which we are looking to take to Lviv before the end of September. Please keep the donations coming and lets see if we can raise enough to take 2 ambulances with them. 🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧

Update 23.6.23 - We've already started to make contacts to find the vehicles we need to take on our next visit to Ukraine. Fundraising has begun too, we have a sold out concert arranged at Penrith Cricket Club and will be attending several local shows to promote our appeal. If you would like help to arrange a fundraiser just get in touch. Lets keep the effort up!

Appeal Launch - We are a garden centre in Cumbria, England and over the last year we have taken four ambulances, a paramedic motorbike and a lot of medical equipment to Ukraine to assist the emergency services there. Following our most recent journey in May 2023 its obvious that these vehicles are of great value to our freinds in Ukraine who are under enormous strain. We will continue to fundraise to take medical equipment and vehicles for as long as the invasion continues and beyond. Please help if you can.

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The Pot Place Garden Centre

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    1 year ago

    The Pot Place Garden Centre started crowdfunding

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    Page last updated on: 5/30/2024 11.58



    • The Pot Place Customers

      The Pot Place Customers

      May 30, 2024

      Thanks so much for these recent donations at the garden centre 🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧


    • The Pot Place Customers

      The Pot Place Customers

      May 22, 2024

      Donations collected at the garden centre, thank you for your support 🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧




      May 22, 2024

      Great to see you all again this week and thank you for your kind donations 🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧


    • Pot place customers

      Pot place customers

      May 18, 2024

      Keep on giving


    • Money raised from the sale of Honda motorcycle

      Money raised from the sale of Honda motorcycle

      May 14, 2024

      This is the proceeds from the sale of the Honda 650 motorcycle kindly donated by Nigel Dean of Wreay. What a fantastic gift and a big help to our appeal fund. Thank you 🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧


    • Stuart Gornall

      Stuart Gornall

      May 10, 2024

      Keep up the great work guys


    • The Pot Place Customers and Fundraisers

      The Pot Place Customers and Fundraisers

      May 9, 2024

      Some great donations over the last week, thank you to all who put money in our collection boxes 🇺🇦🚑🇬🇧


    The Pot Place Garden Centre

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    The Pot Place Garden Centre

    The Pot Place Garden Centre

    Penrith, Cumbria

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