GCA Chairman sells Armitages to Wyevale Garden Centres
Armitages Garden Centres have been sold to Wyevale GArden Centres. GCA Chairman Will Armitage has just announced: "My Parents and I have just sold our 173 year old family business to Wyevale. "It has not been an easy decision, and certainly not one we have taken lightly. "The sale will enable my parents to fully retire and enable me to pursue my other interests while focusing more on my GCA Chairmanship. "I have no intention on turning my back on the industry and will be spending my time looking for and investigating further opportunities within the industry that has supported me and enabled our business to flourish over the past 173 years. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those suppliers and members of staff who have been part of our amazing journey and I hope our paths will cross again soon. Will Armitage told GTN Xtra, "I don't intend to do a Sepp Blatter and stay around if I'm not wanted but provided the GCA Board and Executive are happy, I intend to carry on as GCA Chairman until Julian Winfield takes over in January at the 50th annivarsary conference in Brighton, January 2016."

Above, Will's parents pictured by GTN Xtra at Chelsea 2015
Will continued: "Our family have been involved in the industry for many years, we do not intend to turn our backs and just walk away so we will continue to be involved in some way."