LOFA has announced that 100% of members offering cushions and cushioned outdoor furniture have now earned LOFAssured accreditation.
LOFA’s (Leisure and Outdoor Furniture Association) “LOFAssured” initiative ensures that all cushions sold by members comply with current government fire safety regulations.
LOFA has been on a three-year journey after committing to having 100% of relevant members compliant by the end of 2018. The process saw members put through an educational audit followed by a full audit of all certification, documentation and traceability to ensure only safe, compliant products are offered to the marketplace. The rigorous process included product testing conducted by an independent test house.
LOFA will now extend the scheme to retailers to help them to ensure they have performed all due diligence in their purchasing processes and are stocking safe, compliant furniture.
The retailer and consumer will be able to clearly identify fully compliant furniture from a LOFAssured member by the LOFAssured swing tag.
LOFAssured Certified members are :
4 Seasons Outdoors - www.4seasonsoutdoor.co.uk
A Mir & Co - www.a-mir.co.uk
Alexander Rose – www.alexander-rose.co.uk
Ascalon - www.ascalon.co.uk
Barlow Tyrie Ltd – www.barlowtyrieatgardensite.co.uk
Bramblecrest - www.bramblecrest.com
Cane Industries - www.caneindustries.co.uk
Culcita - www.culcita.ie
Daro – www.daro-cane.co.uk
Desser - www.desser.co.uk
Europa Leisure – www.europaleisure.co.uk
Extreme Lounging- www.extremelounging.com
Firmans Direct Ltd - firmansdirect.com
Garden Furniture Global – www.gardenfurnitureglobal.com
Glencrest Seatex Ltd – www.glencrestseatex.co.uk
Glendale Garden and Leisure – www.glendale-leisure.com
Hampson Agencies – www.jati-kebon.com
Hartman UK - www.hartmanuk.com
Innovators International - www.innovators-international.co.uk
John Robertson Ltd - www.johnrobertson.ltd.uk
Kettler (GB) Limited – www.kettler.co.uk
LeisureGrow - www.leisuregrow.com
Leisure Plan – www.leisureplan.co.uk
Lifestyle Garden - www.lifestylegarden.com
Maze Rattan -www.mazerattan.com
Mercer Agencies – www.merceragencies.com
Munro Importers -pagodafurniture.co.uk
Norfolk Leisure Lifestyle Limited – www.norfolkleisure.com
Pacific Lifestyle Ltd - www.pacific-lifestyle.co.uk
Premier Decorations – www.premierdec.com
Quest Leisure Products Ltd – www.questleisure.com
Signature Weave – www.signatureweave.com
Supremo UK – www.supremouk.com
Woodlodge Products – www.woodlodgeproducts.co.uk
For further information on the Leisure and Outdoor Furniture Association, call 02392 258844 or visit www.lofa.co.uk and www.lofassured.co.uk.