In This Issue
Do Christmas tree sales hold the key?
£5k NGGV backing for Garden Re-Leaf Day
Sales boost for Vitax Poinsettia Drip Feed expected
Whartons launch new gift rose range
Christmas judges fan out across UK
Poinsettia International Press Party produces results
Book for The Greatest Christmas Party Ever!
Garden centres hoping for a bumper December
Gardening products being bought as gifts
Snowmen make their mark
Official farewell for GCA's Gillie Westwood
Garden centre reports November growth...
Sale of Cottage Gardens Nursery in Devon
STV distributes Self Set mouse and rat traps
SunTime set to exhibit at SOLEX next July
Centenary Chelsea to promote 'greener, brighter world'
Colour brightens up dull woodcare year
New marketing role at Barrus
Voting is underway for Greatest Supplier and Greatest Garden Centre Teams at Christmas
Bestsellers Update
Bestsellers Top 50 Chart every week

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The Greatest Christmas Awards are organised by GTN in association with Harrogate Christmas & Gift Fair...

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...and generously sponsored by...

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Premier Decorations
Premier logo bow

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SOLEX at the NEC

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Vision Commercial Kitchens

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Arena Group

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Do Christmas tree sales hold the key?

The next two weekends are traditionally the bestselling times for Christmas trees, and already the signs are looking good, according to Alton Garden Centre in Essex...

The next two weekends are traditionally the bestselling times for Christmas trees as customers really get into the festive spirit.

So it’s a crucial time for garden centres throughout the country, and the signs are looking good, according to Alton Garden Centre in Essex.

“We’ve been selling ‘real’ Christmas trees for over a week now and we’ve nearly reached 200 trees sold so far,” said Alton plant advisor Ian Livermore.

“It’s a good start but this weekend and next are usually the busiest times for Christmas tree sales. Many customers will have just been paid, and because it’s the start of December people get into the Christmas spirit.”

Ian added that his customers were buying bigger this year too. Instead of the standard 5ft-6ft trees more people were opting for 7ft-8ft versions.
“I think people tend to like the shape better on the larger trees,” said Ian. “They seem to have a more conical shape than the smaller trees. The 7ft-8ft trees are more expensive but that hasn’t put people off.

“Also, we seem to be selling an increasing number of Fraser firs, which are manually clipped and lemon scented."
Garden ReLeaf Day 2013
£5k NGGV backing for Garden Re-Leaf Day

The HTA are to back a promotion for next March’s Garden Re-Leaf Day to the tune of £5,000 in National Garden Gift Vouchers...

The HTA are to back a promotion for next March’s Garden Re-Leaf Day to the tune of £5,000 in National Garden Gift Vouchers.

The in-store wallposter-based promotion, provisionally titled ‘We’ve Lost the Plot!’, will invite customers at 200 HTA member garden centres to buy one of 100 numbered ‘garden plots’ for £1 each, with proceeds going to Greenfingers – a potential £20,000 result for the charity. One plot at each centre will contain a ‘prize pot’ of £25 in NGGV vouchers, with the winners drawn on Garden Re-Leaf Day (Friday 8 March 2013).

Garden centres will be able to order fund-raising packs from the HTA or download them online from interactive Garden Re-Leaf blog pages. HTA Marketing Manager Tony Stacey says all members, not just the 200 NGGV prize holders, will be encouraged to take packs to promote their own Garden Re-Leaf activities.

Garden ReLeaf’s joint founder Boyd Douglas-Davies says ‘We’ve Lost the Plot’ will hit all three of the project’s targets. “We will have driven customers in to garden centres, raised money for Greenfingers – and generated the interest of local media when the winners are announced,” he said.  “And, of course, the winners will be spending their vouchers in garden centres and nurseries next spring.”

Sales boost for Vitax Poinsettia Drip Feed expected
Vitax are expecting a surge in sales of their Poinsettia and Christmas Cacti Drip Feed over the coming weeks...

Vitax are expecting a surge in sales of their Poinsettia and Christmas Cacti Drip Feed over the coming weeks.

Developed to support plants through the colder months when Poinsettia are at their most vulnerable, the Drip Feed provides plants with a nutrient boost that promotes growth and stability.

Poinsettias can be difficult to look after but the Drip Feed from Vitax makes it much easier and keeps seasonal plants brighter for longer.

It remedies potting or replanting problems, and the additional nourishment ensures that the adjustment is simple and the plants have the best chances of survival.

Poinsettia and Christmas Cacti Drip Feed is available in packs which contain 10, 30ml bottles. Each bottle provides up to 30 days nutrient supply for plants. It slowly releases liquid plant food into the container over the month long period, RRP £5.57.

The plant nutrition is easy to use, simply shake the container, break off the cap and insert it into the plant pot or container.

Poinsettia and Christmas Cacti Drip Feed can be used throughout the growing season and plants should be watered as normal when it is in use.

For further information about VITAX and the application of its products visit:

Whartons launch new gift rose range

Whartons Nurseries are launching a new ‘Bouquet Rose Range’ in large 4.5 litre pots with vibrant and colorful pot wraps to enhance the product and enable it to extend the all-important gift market...

Whartons Nurseries are launching a new ‘Bouquet Rose Range’ in large 4.5 litre pots with vibrant and colorful pot wraps to enhance the product and enable it to extend the all-important gift market...

Initially, they will be introducing four varieties within the range which will include, Anniversary Bouquet, Golden Bouquet, Ruby Bouquet and Beautiful Bouquet, all with their own distinct pot wrap to stand out from one another.

To ensure that this collection is the very best in the market place, Whartons are using healthier, award-winning varieties for the Bouquet Rose Range. They are:

Anniversary Bouquet = var. ‘Special Anniversary’
Golden Bouquet = var. ‘Arthur Bell’
Ruby Bouquet = var. ‘The One & Only’
Beautiful Bouquet = var. ‘You’re Beautiful’ (Rose of The Year 2013)

The pot wrap material itself is a robust 0.28 micron polypropylene with UV resistant inks to reduce fading. These are then varnished for extra protection to minimize the possibility of scratching occurring. The wraps can be easily wiped clean with a damp cloth thus ensuring they are always bright and vibrant on the Planteria.

During the spring, Whartons, who grow over 1.6 million roses annually, will be launching more ‘Gift Bouquet’ varieties with pot wraps to embrace and develop the series.

Orders are now being taken for early December, just in time for the Christmas market with Free A2 POS Correx poster and 2 metres of Bench Wrap with every 42 plants delivered.

Price per plant is £5.40 with a recommended retail of £12.99

Anyone interested should email or call 01379 606020.

An impessive lit reindeer welcomes customers at the entrance to Garden Pride Garden Centre at Ditchling, West Sussex.
An impessive lit reindeer welcomes customers at the entrance to Garden Pride Garden Centre at Ditchling, West Sussex.
Christmas judges fan out across UK
Dozens of garden centres across the UK have been visited by GTN’s Greatest Christmas Awards judging panel over the past few weeks in the search for the nation’s top Christmas teams...

Above: First stop for Ruxley Manor Santa’s Grotto visitors is Passport Control to get your passport stamped by the elves.

Dozens of garden centres across the UK have been visited by GTN’s Greatest Christmas Awards judging panel over the past few weeks in the search for the nation’s top Christmas teams.

Nominations have now closed and judging visits will be completed over the next two weeks. In the meantime, you can book for the Greatest Christmas Awards Party at Harrogate on Sunday 13 January, when the results will be announced, by clicking here. It's earned a reputation as The Greatest Christmas Party Ever - don't miss it!

 Santa’s Grotto at Ruxley Manor Garden Centre at Sidcup, Kent, is enjoying its best-ever season with more than 27,700 bookings at £9 each…

The centre’s grotto team, led by Jason Sheridan, have pulled out all the stops to create an added-value experience for customers.

Poinsettia International Press Party produces results
An international press party organised by Stars for Europe and PR company Purple Spotted Media is helping to raise the profile of poinsettias...

An international press party organised by Stars for Europe and PR company Purple Spotted Media is helping to raise the profile of poinsettias.

Already the Daily Telegraph has run a slide show of some of the designs in their online gardening section. All the florists who took part in the event were given full credits.

The poinsettia project began back in June with the development of apps, marketing resource and photography to give everyone a chance of transforming sales of poinsettia, especially as a cut flower.

And that's where the press party really came into its own. Because not only did it showcase the very different styles and themes possible but actually converted the mind-set of the designer florists charged with the task of interpreting the themes.  

For example, Ian Lloyd, who worked to the theme White Christmas, had never thought of using poinsettia as a cut flower but discovered that making a giant central table design was not only incredibly easy but incredibly cost-effective as well.  

For the team at The Urban Flower Firm – Mark Upton  and Charlotte Denton - using bright red poinsettia as table favours not only looked fab but was an idea that easily transferred to their funky centrepiece with poinsettia bracts suspended in fake lightbulbs to create a mass of brilliant colour for a very low cost.

Simon Lycett opted for Twisted Christmas and literally turned it on its head with an upside-down 'tree' of green, white and pink poinsettia surrounded by tiny candle holders holding a cut poinsettia.

Paula Pryke went very traditional with a table of shimmering golds and ruby red poinsettias (see picture above) – again making full use of the flower in its cut form while Mairead Curtin, of Rebel Rebel, went the Restoration look with a wonderful palette of celadon (duck egg blue), palest pinks and vintage china.  

From now until December 12 it is all arms to the pump as the campaign steps up a gear in the run up to Poinsettia Day on the 12th.

Purple Spotted Media's Caroline Marshall-Foster will be doing a series of radio features with Steve Bradley from The Sun who in turn and with the support of Peter Seabrook are running a poinsettia competition for schools around the country.
Book for The Greatest Christmas Party Ever!
The Greatest Christmas Awards Party Book your tickets for the finale to The Greatest Christmas Awards for 2012 – the magnificent awards party to be be held at the Majestic Hotel, Harrogate, on 13 January...

The Greatest Christmas Awards Party The finale to The Greatest Christmas Awards for 2012 is the awards party to be be held at the Majestic Hotel, Harrogate, on 13 January, the first evening of Harrogate Christmas and Gift Fair.

Combine your buying trip to the fair with a great night out. You’ll be in good company – and if your centre’s team has entered, you might even receive an award.

Tickets for the evening are now on sale. They are selling really fast for what has gained a reputation as The Greatest Christmas Party Ever! So to guarantee your place, make a booking online below or call 01733 775700.

A superb meal, the company of industry friends and colleagues – and dancing to a great band. Thanks to our generous sponsors, we've also got some great raffle prizes lined up, including a barbecue valued at £1,000 from Weber.

Proceeds from the raffle will go to the Make-a-Wish Foundation, helping to grant wishes for seriously ill children.

See you there!

Tickets cost £82 plus vat each, or for 3 or more £78 plus vat each, for 5 or more £74 plus vat each.  On-line price below includes VAT.

The Greatest Christmas Awards 2013 - Tickets

Or to book complete tables at a reduced ticket price of £70 plus vat each

On-line prices include VAT.

The Greatest Christmas Awards 2013 - Tickets

The Greatest Christmas Awards Party is generously sponsored by Premier Decorations, designers and importers of Christmas lighting, trees and decorations; garden lighting and outdoor living products; and Hallowe'en products and party decorations. Garden centres voted them Greatest Christmas Supplier of the Year in 2010 and 2011.

Garden centres hoping for a bumper December
With only four weeks of serious retailing left for the year, the GTN Bestsellers All Barcode Products Index sits at 0.3% down compared to last a great final run into Christmas will get the index back to the same level as 2011!

With only four weeks of serious retailing left for the year, the GTN Bestsellers All Barcode Products Index sits at 0.3% down compared to last year.
A great final run into Christmas will get the index back to the same level as 2011.

A poor run, similar to 2009 when there was heavy December snow, will leave the index about 1.5% down on last year for volume sales.

What’s your gut feeling on the current trading conditions? Has Christmas peaked or are there still plenty of sales to be had?  

Perhaps we need this weekend’s cold snap to get even more people into the Christmas spirit and into garden centres...

Let us know your views. Email
Gardening products being bought as gifts
There’s plenty of evidence in the GTN Bestsellers Garden Products chart that consumers are choosing gardening tools and accessories as ideal gifts for family and friends this Christmas...
There’s plenty of evidence in the GTN Bestsellers Garden Products chart that consumers are choosing gardening tools and accessories as ideal gifts for family and friends this Christmas.

The Town & Country Secateur, Holder and Knife Set (pictured) is always a bestseller at this time of year. It has increased its sales this week to hold No 34 spot in the chart.

Burgon & Ball’s Knee Pads will also make the perfect gift, and it is one of 14 re-entries, coming straight back in at No 42.

Vivid Arts and Smart Solar are two companies with products that are seeing impressive sales at this time of year.

It seems that the pets and farm animals from Vivid Arts have caught the gardening public’s imagination, and garden centres are devoting more space to them in store (see the picture below taken at Grosvenor Garden Centre).

In this week’s chart Vivid Arts have two products in the Top 20 – Natural Friends Playful Penguin is at No 11 and Pet Pals Baby Donkey at No 13.

Smart Solar have seen an increase in sales of their Owl Solar Light, rising 11 places in the chart to No 17. The Happy Hens Solar Spotlights also move up 11 spots to No 22.

There are two re-entries too for Smart Solar – Garden Bird Solar Spotlight at No 30 and Country Bird Solar Spotlight at No 49.

Customers are also getting their flower decorations ready for Christmas, and Oasis is one company benefitting from this surge in interest. Its Ideal Wet Floral Foam Bricks are their bestselling product at No 9.

Gardeners are spending money on their houseplants, with many associated products in the  Top 50 this week. Some of the bestselling items include Fito Drip Feeder at No 1 and Drip Feeder for Poinsettia & Christmas Cactus at No 3. Scheurich has six items in the chart, topped by its Glossy Cream Cover Pot at No 4.

See the full GTN Garden Products Bestsellers Chart here.  Subscribers Only

To Subscribe to the full GTN Bestsellers Weekly Charts for only £120.00 per year click here

WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts can seriously improve your business.  Only subscribe if you want to invest 15 minutes each week in improving your turnover and customer satisfaction.

Snowmen make their mark

Just as the temperatures start to drop, snowmen are starting to make an impact in the GTN Bestsellers Christmas chart...

Just as the temperatures start to drop, snowmen are starting to make an impact in the GTN Bestsellers Christmas chart.

Premier Decorations have seen sales of their battery-operated snowmen increase, with the 15cm Eva Snowman moving up to No 2. The 17cm Cotton Snowman rises four places to No 5 while the 10cm Snowman with Traditional Trim is the highest climber, jumping 16 places to No 22.

Kaemingk are another strong performer as two of their items claim the highest new entry and highest re-entry accolades. The Two Tone Tree Baubles come straight in at No 31 while the Plain Shatterproof 60mm Red Baubles re-enter the chart at No 23. Another new entry for Kaemingk is the Rose On Clip With Glitter, Purple, 14cm, at No 49.

History & Heraldry retain No 1 position with their Christmas Money Box, while Snow Globe Decorations move down one place to No 3.

See the full GTN Christmas Bestsellers Chart here.  Subscribers Only

To Subscribe to the full GTN Bestsellers Weekly Charts for only £120.00 per year click here

WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts can seriously improve your business.  Only subscribe if you want to invest 15 minutes each week in improving your turnover and customer satisfaction.
Official farewell for GCA's Gillie Westwood
More than 60 past and present members and associate members of the Garden Centre Association attended a farewell party this week for their popular former chief executive, Gillie Westwood, who retired earlier this year...

More than 60 past and present members and associate members of the Garden Centre Association attended a farewell party this week for their popular former chief executive, Gillie Westwood, who retired earlier this year.

Although she had relinquished her post after last January’s annual conference, the GCA committee had promised her an ‘official’ send-off. The chosen venue was the director’s suite at the Emirates Stadium, home of Arsenal FC.

Tributes to Gillie’s 13 years of  service were paid by Warren Haskins and Guy Topping, two of the eight chairman who served during her stewardship.

Following the departure of Phil Slinger, her immediate successor, the GCA recently appointed Ian Wylie, former manager of Grosvenor Garden Centre, as interim administrator. The association is expected to appoint a full-time chief executive early next year.

Above, left to right: Warren Haskins, Guy Topping, Carl Westwood, Gillie Westwood, current chairman Peter Burks and the GCA's office manager Pat Adams at the Emirates Stadium.
Below: Tottenham supporter Steve le Sage of Taylors Bulbs reluctantly takes time out to view the hallowed Arsenal turf .

Garden centre reports November growth...
Whose upper lip is pictured here, sporting its new growth in aid of the Movember campaign supporting men's health charities?

Let’s not make a great big fuzz about this, but normally clean shaven faces in garden centres up and down the country have been sprouting moustaches this month in support of the Movember campaign to raise funds for men’s health charities.

Whose upper lip is pictured here, sporting its Movember growth

It could be something to do with the Langlands team (below), who have raised more than £600 so far and are hoping to reach £1000.

Are there any more Movember stories and pictures out there?


Every week GTN receives and analyses epos data from a number of UK garden centres to produce the GTN Bestsellers charts and weekly bestsellers sales tips.

The full charts which provide useful insight into product sales peaks, new trends and new link sales opportunities are published in the weekly GTN Xtra printed newsletter and on the GTN website

Access is by subscription only.  For £120.00 per year you and your team can have access to the most upto date gardening sales analysis that has already helped many UK garden centres increase their sales.  To subscribe call 01733 775700, or subscribe on-line here


or e-mail

Highlights of the GTN Garden Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here

Highlights of the GTN Christmas Bestsellers chart for this week are here

WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts can seriously improve your business.  Only subscribe if you want to invest 15 minutes each week in improving your turnover and customer satisfaction.


Although you are now in full Christmas mode, reaping the benefits of wise product choices made earlier in the year, you are probably also taking note of buying trends and planning ahead for the 2013 festive season.

A not-to-be-missed date for your diary is Harrogate Christmas & Gift (13-16 January 2013) - a fantastic opportunity to see exciting new product launches months before the crowds arrive at trade fairs in the spring.

Harrogate is one of the fastest growing shows in its sector, catering not only for Christmas (with probably the greatest selection of trees, lights and festive decorations in the UK) but novelties and gifts for every occasion from Hallowe’en and Mother's Day right through to furniture, ornaments, flowers and giftware for the home and garden.

In fact, Harrogate Christmas & Gift has seen a steady increase in all gift and homeware ranges, attracting discerning buyers from large department stores, novelty and souvenir shops, traditional gift stores, as well as DIY stores, garden centres, museums, country estates, castles and farm shops. Be sure to join them in 2013!

Register Now and plan your visit.
Glee is the only UK trade show that gives garden retailers the opportunity to buy across all product categories under one roof. Sectors covered include garden care, landscape and garden design, outdoor leisure, nursery and plants, home and gift, retail support, catering and speciality food.

Glee is organised by the i2i Events Group and is held annually at the NEC. Make a note of next year's Glee dates - Monday 16–Wednesday 18 September 2013.
Kaemingk, leading suppliers of festive products to UK garden retailers, open their new showroom in Holland early next month. Special open days on which you can preview their collections  for Christmas 2013 will run from 5 to 19 December. Kaemingk are acknowledged trend leaders in their field and will be exhibiting at Harrogate Christmas & Gift in January (stand M02-04)

embers of the Kaemingk team at last month's HTA conference, demonstrating their new Christmas trees. 
Premier logo bow

Premier Decorations are leading designers and importers of Christmas lighting, trees and decorations; garden lighting and outdoor living products; and Hallowe'en products and party decorations. Garden centres voted them Greatest Christmas Supplier of the Year in 2010 and 2011. Their products regularly feature in the GTN Bestsellers Christmas Top 50.


SOLEX AT THE NEC is LOFA’s summer outdoor and indoor leisure event, now an established fixture in the trade show calendar, bringing together the world’s leading garden and leisure furniture and barbecue brands under one roof. The show moves from Telford to the NEC, Birmingham, next year (8-10 July 2013).


Vision Commercial Kitchens have helped many UK garden centres to launch, enhance or re-fit their catering operations, offering everything from an initial expert consultation to a full installation. They pride themselves on helping garden centres make the right decision for their businesses. The kitchens at the fabulous catering operation at the award-winning Barton Grange Garden Centre at Brock - the Riverside and Willows restaurants - were supplied by Vision.


The sponsors of this category are Snowtime, leading suppliers of Christmas lights, fibre optics, illuminated décor, artificial trees and floral products. In 1995 they pioneered the supply of fibre-optic Christmas trees to the UK market. 

Snowtime have the UK’s broadest and most comprehensive range of high-quality artificial trees. The hottest Christmas product in many years is their range of Thomas Kinkade-designed fibre optic tapestries, which are licensed to Snowtime and were introduced two years ago (example below). Many retailers had sold out by the end of September. There are some cheap copies on the market but it's the signed originals that are selling.


The Arena ice rink installation at Van Hage, Great Amwell in 2011

The Arena Group has a 250-year history supplying specialist infrastructure to live sporting, music and public events. In 2012 clients included The Open, Wimbledon Championships, X Factor, the Diamond Jubilee celebrations and the event of the year, The London 2012 Olympic Games.

Arena Group provides turnkey solutions to install ice rinks and pop up cafes at Garden Centres, building partnerships with clients to create temporary event environments that are fine-tuned to reflect their aspirations. Visit for further information. Follow Arena on twitter @arena_group.
Sale of Cottage Gardens Nursery in Devon
Husband and wife team, Nigel and Allison Worsnop, are just settling in to their new lives as owners of Cottage Gardens Nursery in Devon...
Husband and wife team, Nigel and Allison Worsnop, are just settling in to their new lives as owners of Cottage Gardens Nursery in Devon.

Alexander Mackie Associates Ltd announced the successful sale of the nursery located at Morchard Bishop near Crediton, Devon.

Nigel and Allison bought the business off Roger Holloway and David McKie who have retired.

Cottage Gardens is a long established 3-acre (1.21 hectare) nursery that specialises in the supply of herbaceous perennials.

For the past two-and-a-half years Nigel has been working as a gardener on the Cayton Hall estate at South Stainley near Harrogate.

"Running a nursery is something we've always wanted to do," said Nigel. "At our stage of life this was a too-good-to-miss opportunity. The location is fantastic for a family.

"We're just finding our feet, and running things very much as the previous owners did. We've been able to retain the staff.

"We have some exciting plans, which include trying to sell more plants on the internet."
STV distributes Self Set mouse and rat traps
Retail pest control specialist, STV, has struck an exclusive deal to distribute Self Set metal mouse and rat traps worldwide...

Retail pest control specialist, STV, has struck an exclusive deal to distribute Self Set metal mouse and rat traps worldwide.

The agreement between STV and Sunbury Manufacturing Company Ltd (SMC), makers of the Self Set range since 1947, confirms STV’s position as the preferred supplier of rodent control products in the UK.

"We are delighted to welcome Self Set Mouse and Rat Traps into the award-winning STV range,” said STV managing director, Edwin Allingham.

"The products will certainly complement our existing rodent control range and the agreement will ensure that we provide our customers in the UK and around the world with an even wider product offering and additional brand strength and support."

As part of the deal, STV has developed fresh new pack designs that remain faithful to the distinctive look and heritage of Self Set brand and include 'British Made Since 1947' front of pack.

Mr Allingham says STV plans to develop the range in due course, but for now the focus is on making the transition to the new partnership as smooth as possible. "Our priority is to look after our customers. We must uphold the excellent level of customer care that STV has always provided."

SMC is one of the UK’s most long-standing trap manufacturers and has an established reputation within the industry as a supplier of high-quality metal traps. Under the agreement it will continue to manufacture the products and benefit from STV’s global distribution expertise.

For further information about STV’s award-winning range of pest control products, go to

SunTime set to exhibit at SOLEX next July
Leading outdoor leisure brand SunTime has joined The Leisure and Outdoor Furniture Association (LOFA) and will be exhibiting at SOLEX next July...

Leading outdoor leisure brand SunTime has joined The Leisure and Outdoor Furniture Association (LOFA) and will be exhibiting at SOLEX next July...

Mike Withers, Managing Director at SunTime’s parent company Trans-Continental Group, is delighted with the development and believes that joining LOFA will strengthen the brand’s position in the market-place

"LOFA is the outdoor leisure industry’s forum, the body which speaks for the sector as a whole and which sets high standards for ethical sourcing and environmental protection. Its members have a commitment to the best in design and innovation, all of which makes it a great fit for SunTime.

"Our membership of LOFA not only provides an important endorsement for the Suntime brand but opens the opportunity to move our Telford exhibition south and join SOLEX 2013 in Birmingham, which is set to be a much larger event than previous years."

Having outgrown Telford, SOLEX is moving to the NEC where SunTime is currently planning a 400 sq m stand space. The show takes places on July 8-10.
Centenary Chelsea to promote 'greener, brighter world'

Many of the show Gardens at next year's Centenary RHS Chelsea Floiwer Show will promote the idea of a greener, brighter future by highlighting sustainability, heritage and conservation...

The RHS unveiled plans this week for next year’s centenary Chelsea Flower Show…

Many of the show Gardens will promoting the idea of a greener, brighter future by highlighting sustainability, heritage and conservation.

The show’s sponsors, M&G Investments, have commisioned Roger Platts to create a garden capturing the design trends and themes of RHS Chelsea shows past and present. It will set out to demonstrate that many trends have stood the test of time.

B&Q returns to Chelsea with the Sentebale charity’s ‘Forget-me-Not' Garden, a conceptual evocation, designed by Jinny Blom, of the landscape and culture of Lesotho. Sentebale was established by HRH Prince Harry after he spent time working with vulnerable children in Lesotho, with a garden designed by Jinny Blom.

Christopher Bradley-Hole’s garden for the Daily Telegraph will be a  contemporary, Japanese-influenced garden celebrating English native trees and shrubs, whilst drawing attention to the challenges posed to them by settlement, civilisation and cultivation.

Jo Thompson has designed the Food and Environment Research Agency’s garden to communicate the threat faced by British trees and plants, from pests, diseases and invasive species. The garden contrasts beautiful, herbaceous planting with an avenue of dead trees.

Delancy’s East Village Garden, designed by Michael Balston and Marie-Louise Aguis, will represent the sustainable regeneration of an urban environment, celebrating local history and the creation and delivery of London 2012’s ‘Legacy Promise'.

Royal Bank of Canada, Flemings and Homebase will also be drawing on the theme of sustainable living with gardens to attract wildlife and conserve resources such as water and energy.

Seeability, in partnership with Coutts, will create a garden to demonstrates that life can still be enriched by maximising limited vision and other senses. For Arthritis Research UK, Chris Beardshaw, (himself diagnosed with arthritis at the age of 19) will create a garden representing the positive, personal journey of someone suffering from the disease.

Stoke-on-Trent Garden Partnership will create illustrating the story of Stoke-on-Trent's journey from a rich industrial past to a contemporary city. Laurent-Perrier returns to the show with a garden designed by Ulf Nordjfell and inspired by the Champagne region of France, while Robert Myers reflective garden for Brewin Dolphin will be an area for relaxation and informal entertainment.

The Homebase garden designed by Adam Frost for next year's centenary Chelsea Flower Show.

Picture: Cuprinol
Picture: Cuprinol
Colour brightens up dull woodcare year
It’s been a poor year for the woodcare market, with sales down almost £17 million year on year January–October, analysts GfK reported this week...

It’s been a poor year for the woodcare market, with sales down almost £17 million year on year January–October, analysts GfK reported this week.

Exterior woodcare products, like many other garden care products, have seen declines throughout the year, largely due to the poor summer. Interior furniture care managed to report small value growth.

Of the overall £17 million decline, the majority has come from the exterior categories, driven by water-based treatment, which were down 13% in value versus last year. Similar categories have also struggled in 2012, with decking declining 15% in value and garden furniture care declining 23% in value between January and October.

Within the exterior woodcare, however, garden colour products have reported 10% value growth and there were more litres sold.

New marketing role at Barrus
EP Barrus have appointed a marketing executive for WOLF-Garten, Wilkinson Sword and Cub Cadet in their Lawn & Garden and Tools Divisions...

EP Barrus, which represents a number of garden brands, has appointed a marketing executive for WOLF-Garten, Wilkinson Sword and Cub Cadet in their Lawn & Garden and Tools Divisions.

Yvonne Weaving has a wealth of experience of agency and in-house marketing roles for major companies.

Yvonne said she would be supporting the garden centre and garden machinery dealer network with targeted campaigns based on customer insight.

Voting is underway for Greatest Supplier and Greatest Garden Centre Teams at Christmas

Completed voting forms for both The Greatest Christmas Supplier and The Greatest Garden Centre at Christmas have been flowing steadily into GTN Office.

With judging visits well underway too the countdown has started for The Greatest Christmas Awards.

The party and awards presentation is sure to be a great event at The Majestic Hotel in Harrogate on Sunday 13th January 2013.  Book your tickets here.

In the meantime keep your votes flowing into the GTN office, with so many to count it really doies help if we get them in as early as possible.

Happy Christmas!

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