Toon Ebben to open Plantarium 2016
The 34th international nursery tradefair Plantarium will be opened on Wednesday 24 August 2016 by Horticultural Entrepreneur of the Year Toon Ebben.
Toon (52) is the fourth generation to take charge of the family business Boomkwekerij Ebben BV in Cuijk. Under his direction the business has expanded to become a leader in the sector, placing a particular emphasis on innovation, nature and biodiversity. The international company's motto "Know-how to Grow" points to a century and a half of expertise in the growing of exceptional trees and shrubs, displaying a huge variety in form, colours and applications. Last January Boomkwekerij Ebben were presented with the Tuinbouw Ondernemersprijs 2016 [the Horticultural Entrepreneur Prize 2016] in the presence of Her Majesty Queen Maxima. The involvement of Toon Ebben demonstrates Plantarium's focus on the greening of outdoor spaces, with a programme dedicated to all those involved in Public Horticulture: landscape architects, suppliers and also the directors of businesses. A number of businesses handling plants and other materials used in public green spaces have been invited to participate. Plantarium's activities in this area centre on the transfer of knowledge, attention to the issue of sustainability in the living environment and soil improvement. Plantarium 34 will take place from the 24th to the 27th of August 2016 in the Plantarium building at the Boskoop-Hazerswoude International Trade Centre. Registration for the trade fair is still open. Businesses registering before April 1st 2016 via can be sure of their place. After that date the stands will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.