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Pansies beat Cabbages in GCA Horticultural Olympics
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Pansies beat Cabbages in GCA Horticultural Olympics
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On your marks, get set,'s the GCA Horticultural Olympics. Garden centre and industry staff took part in a special fundraising event for Greenfingers during a break from this week's GCA annual conference.

Two teams led by Guy Topping, Managing Director of Barton Grange Garden Centre, and Adam Taylor, Director of Taylors Bulbs, went head-to-head at the Horticultural Olympics.

Competitors took part in a variety of events including fencepost tossing, shot put, archery, welly boot throwing and a wheelbarrow race.

Guy Topping's GCA Pansies Team (pictured above) earned the most points overall to win the Greenfingers Challenge Cup.

All the competitors got into the swing of things and as well as a showing a really competitive spirit, everyone enjoyed the fun atmosphere.

GTN Xtra's Mike Wyatt was present with his camera to capture all the spills and thrills and here's a selection of his pictures.

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