Plants lead the way as overall sales decline
As we neared the end of a wet and stormy June, plant sales held up well – showing a week-on-week increase of 9% – while across-the-board sales were down 10%, according to the EpOS data supplied by garden centres for GTN Bestsellers.
The UK Garden Centre Garden Plants Bestsellers Chart | | | | | Week Ending Sunday 26th June 2016 | | | | | This Week | Last week | Plant genus | Volume Sales Change | 1 | 1 | Pelargonium | Increase | 2 | 3 | Petunia | Increase | 3 | 2 | Begonia | | 4 | 6 | Dianthus | Increase | 5 | 5 | Fuchsia | | 6 | 4 | Rose | | 7 | 7 | Dahlia | Increase | 8 | New | Armeria | +100% Increase | 9 | 14 | Lobelia | Increase | 10 | 8 | Cosmos | | 11 | 11 | Lavandula | | 12 | 15 | Osteospermum | | 13 | 17 | Bacopa | Increase | 14 | 9 | Salvia | | 15 | 13 | Verbena | | 16 | 10 | Veronica | | 17 | 12 | Impatiens | | 18 | 16 | Tagetes | | 19 | New | Aquilegia | +100% Increase | 20 | 20 | Nemesia | Increase | 21 | 19 | Argyranthemum | Increase | 22 | 24 | Antirrhinum | +50% Increase | 23 | Re-entry | Lathyrus | +100% Increase | 24 | Re-entry | Viola | +100% Increase | 25 | 21 | Orchidaceae | |
Pelargoniums continue to lead the way as the bestselling plant in garden centres, still selling at least double the volume of the next highest plant genus, which is Petunia this week. No doubt many of these will be going into hanging baskets and planters.
Two new plant genera feature in the chart this week, Armeria comes in at No.8 and Aquilegia at No.19. Also looking good and growing sales to re-enter the chart are Violas, back in at No.24.
As the ramifications of Brexit continue to grab media space, you may want to make sure your gardening sales, and plant sales in particular, are in good shape. During the period of uncertainty caused by the 2008 economic crash, plant sales and gardening fared better than most other retail sectors.
A staycation promotion ready for all customers who may decide not to fly off to faraway places because of the exchange rate may pay dividends.

Apologies Due to a family bereavement we will not be able to produce the GTN Bestsellers newsletter next week. Normal service will be resumed the following week when we will include the half year statistics and graphs.
Thank you.