Plantarium organisers unveil more new plants
Details have been announced of more new plant introductions at this year’s Plantarium in Holland. Here is a small selection (with descriptions written by the suppliers): Astilbe arendsii 'Lola' has dark pink flowers with white eyes/edges on red stems. The plant flowers abundantly, is strong and healthy and reaches a height of around 60 cm. Flowers in June/July. Entered by Compass Plants. - Buddleja ‘Flutterby Peace’, entered by Van Vliet New Plants, is one of a new group of compact butterfly bushes in three different colours. Flutterby hybrids are not invasive and do not set seed, and have a good second flowering period. As soon as the old flowers are spent, new flowers form constantly until the first frost. The first flowers form at the end of spring, much earlier than other cultivars. The Flutterby group is extremely fragrant, attracts large number of butterflies and are winter-hardy down to -29 °C. Once established, plants are extremely drought-resistant. ‘Flutterby Peace’ produces large numbers of mauve-pink flowers.
 - Coprosma 'Inferno', entered by Van Vliet New Plants, is a striking sight as a result of its rich, full colours. The fiery orange and red, glossy leaves catch the eye all year round. In the autumn, 'Inferno' continues to surprise when the leaves change to shades of dark red. 'Inferno' is a problem-free shrub and is an ideal pot plant.
 - Geranium cinereum 'Jolly Jewel Salmon’ is one of six cultivars from the Jolly Jewell series entered by Compass Plants of Hillegom.The striking colours make this series a genuine breakthrough in the Geranium cinereum range. ‘Jolly Jewel Salmon’ has salmon-orange flowers with slightly darker veining.
- Hebe ‘Santa Monica’, (pictured on cover page) entered by Van Vliet New Plants, has the darkest leaves of all Hebes – deep purple-red changing to extremely dark burgundy in the autumn, becoming lighter again in spring. Santa Monica produces deep pink, full flowers in the spring and early summer and makes an ideal pot plant. Requires protection from severe frosts.