Pineapples are the new face of Halloween

The pumpkin is past it, according to the Telegraph newspaper. Now Halloween is all about the pineapple.
The trend for pineapple lanterns is just the latest step in growing popularity of this fruit. Pineapple jumpers (and pineapple outfits) were on view at London Fashion Week; pineapple accessories are increasingly common; pineapple booze is on the up; and pineapple carving is now, apparently, an acceptable pursuit for adults.
To make a pineapple lantern for Hallowwen, it's pretty much the same set-up as with pumpkins. Cut the top off, scoop out the insides, carve in some triangular eyes and a mouth (at the very least) and pop in a tea light.
Your hands will be stickier at the end of it, but they'll smell sweeter - and it's a darned sight easier to make use of the inside of a pineapple than it is the seedy, stringy guts of a pumpkin.