It's Beach, Bingo and Boogie for GCA revellers
The charity warm-up event on the eve of the GCA annual conference in Blackpool in January will be a day of ‘Beach, Bingo and Boogie’. Jont organiser Danny Adamson of William Sinclair Horticulture says the event will make for “a good day out at the seaside, whilst also raising lots of money for Greenfingers”. There will be Retailers v's Suppliers Beach Games in the afternoon, followed by fish and chips, bingo and, in the evening, a ‘boogie’ session. Sponsors, at £500 a time, are being sought for each game, each round of bingo, the team T-shirts, the fish and chips and the first drink of the evening. Barton Grange GC and William Sinclair have already committed £500 apiece. Contact: