Innovative Buttacup wins Runner-Up Award at The Garden Press Event

Continuing the run of recent awards, the innovative water butt planter, Buttacup Flow, has just been placed runner-up in the Best New Product competition at the Garden Press Event in London.
The Buttacup Flow also won runners-up awards in both the GIMA (Garden Industry manufacturer's Association) and the GLEE (Garden and Leisure Exhibition) awards. Again these are important trade industry awards with much prestige attached.
“Ever the bridesmaid! Whilst it would be nice to win the overall awards, being runner-up against such innovative and strong competition in the garden sector at present is still a massive honour.” Commented Bjorn Wood, Inventor and Founder of Buttacup.
The Buttacup Flow is designed to fit to and brighten up any standard garden water butt. Plants are automatically irrigated via a connection into the water butt to allow for drip feed watering.
The Buttacup Bloom is a sister planter, also crescent shaped, that stands alone or can be stood beside any circular garden feature from tree trunks to pots and other planters. Further range additions are planned for other applications very soon.
Both products are manufactured in the UK using high quality sustainable materials and come in a range of attractive colours.
Buttacup products are available through a selection of garden retailers and online – visit for more information.
Pictured: Bjorn Wood, Buttacup Founder, is presented the Garden Press Event runner up for Best New Product Award by Countryfile presenter James Wong.