Voting postcards and posters for in-store voting - The Greatest Christmas Garden Centre Team
Voting is now underway and runs through to 4:00 pm on Christmas Eve to find out which garden centre has The Greatest Christmas Team.
As we head towards the busiest weeks of the year it’s time to ask your customers to vote for you as The Greatest Christmas Garden Centre Team. All you have to do is download the voting posters and voting postcard artworks from GTN’s Greatest Christmas Awards Dropbox folder or these links:
 Xmas Awards postcards 2015.pdf
 Xmas Awards Poster A1.pdf
Xmas Awards Poster A3.pdf
Xmas Awards Poster A4.pdf
 Post Your Votes.pdf
Print them out and get your customers voting. They can post them to our Greatest Christmas Awards office or you can create "Post your Votes" here boxes for votes to be posted in store. You can also ask your customers to vote for you on line this year - see seperate story. The closing date for votes, both on-line and posted in-store is 4:00pm on Christmas Eve, 24th December. If you collect votes in-store, please send them through to us on a regular basis to help with the counting and then make sure you send your final batch of votes off directly after Christmas. The Greatest Christmas Awards are presented in Harrogate on January 10th 2016 so the cut off for final votes to be received and counted in our office is Monday 4th January 2016. Remember to look through all your votes before you post them to us - your staff will love to know all the wonderful things your customers say about you as they vote for The Greatest Christmas Garden Centre Team. When all the votes are counted, size of centre and number of staff are taken into account, so there is as much chance of a small centre winning this ultimate Christmas accolade as that of a big centre. If you have any problems downloading any of the files please e-mail and we’ll send you them by e-mail straight away.
Good luck!