Glee 2015 was a great success for retailers
Post Glee comment from Brechin Castle, Perrywood, Scotsdales, Squires, Hillview, Haskins, Fosseway, Caulders, Green Pastures, Fron Goch, Baytree and Choice Marketing

As Glee 2015 closed, event organisers i2i events and exhibitors unanimously claimed the show a success. But what of the views of the visiting retailers. After the show GTN Xtra talked with a number of visitors to guage their post Glee reaction...

As Glee 2015 closed, event organisers i2i events (Event Director, Matthew Mein pictured above) and exhibitors unanimously claimed the show a success. But what of the views of the visiting retailers. After the show GTN Xtra talked with a number of visitors to guage their post Glee reaction...
Boyd Douglas-Davies, CEO, Hillview Garden Centres: “I thought GLEE was outstanding, certainly the best show in years. Quality and range of exhibitors was very good. “Vertical gardening systems were in abundance. Some better than others! “Fashion gloves seemed to be the other item available in 101 different designs - presumably inspired by the great success of #glovies this year!” Conna Powles, Buying Director, Haskins Garden Centres: “This was my third Glee and last year it was certainly revitalised. I felt that it was notched up another gear this year with larger stands, key suppliers, and great innovation too. It is good to see plants back for a second year in a row which was really useful for me as I hadn’t been able to get to Fouroaks. Kevin Waters had put together some great ideas which completely clarified some ideas about planting recipes that I couldn’t quite get clear in my head. It is difficult to cut through so much detail and make things simple but, I think he did that with his monthly calendar with ‘thrillers, spillers and fillers’. “It was good to see so many gardening suppliers as Glee is obviously the key show for us but, as the proportion of non gardening sales grows, it was also good to see a selection of non gardening suppliers too. I think it would be good to grow this part of the show although it is difficult as it follows on directly from the Autumn Fair. However, this year, the Autumn Fair clashed with the Speciality Food Fair so if that were to happen again next year, there would be an opportunity for Glee to offer more food wholesalers. However, it is vital to keep gardening at the core of what we do but we cannot ignore the fact that the non gardening part of what we do has become increasingly important. “I really enjoyed taking part in the judging, finding exciting new products and swopping information with my fellow retailers in a well laid out, contemporary environment with good catering and easy access. Winning the award in the Glee Power List was just the icing on the cake!!” Justin Williams, Managing Director, Fron Goch Garden Centre: “Glee was very interesting, great to see innovation returning. Particularly present in the area of solar lighting, solar watering features and garden decoration on the Smart gardening stand , where it felt you could order a deal of everything!” Nigel Wallis, General Manager, Baytree Garden Centre: “I thought it was another good GLEE, and certainly needed two days. “My highlight was taking [my son] William with me, I hate to say it but having a young set of eyes was good, and of course very proud that he wants to be part of Baytree in the future. “The Westland stand was really good and what with the Sinclair products is going to make ordering a lot better and easier, let’s just hope the compost prices don't go up to much, but still a great company to deal with. “And of course Smart Gardening will be the ongoing success for us next year, again what a great team to deal with.” Colin Barrie, Managing Director, Caulders Garden Centres: “I thought Glee was even better than last year, and I thought last year was great! It is now a “can’t miss” show for any garden retailer in the UK. Where else would you be able to see so many key industry suppliers showcase so many products in one place? “I thought Westland and Kelkay were demonstrating great innovation both in their products and brand. The Crest and Flopro brands really hit the mark this year and there are some products on Smart Gardening that look as though they will be real winners for 2016. “Some trade shows are good for going and looking, but at Glee you can do serious business!” Dennis Espley, Managing Director, Squires Garden Centres: “Still a must do show. Little ground breaking, but some interesting new lines. Useful to make direct product comparisons in one place, and does motivate change and a fresh look. Catch up with suppliers and fellow traders. “Well organised, comfortable, Mon to Weds..good” Tim Godwin, Owner, Fosseway Garden Centre: “Yes I thought the best glee for 4-5 years at last some meaningful innovation with the consumer in mind, liked Hozelocks new watering system and timers, the re branding and simplification of the Town and Country brand and product range. “The tweaking of the Scotts range with new house plant feeds , grass seed sorted reintroduction of the larger bag and new quicker germination, patio magic with ready to use sprayer should be a hit , along with the new rose and shrub range of feed and the growables should be a good pick up line if positioned correctly . “I also felt Gardman had a good range of well priced gifts for next spring “My only concern if when we go next year it may have turned into the RHS show with now so many products being endorsed by them from pots, gravel, tools and gifts!” Michelle de Lavis-Trafford, on behalf of Choice Marketing Ltd: “What a great Glee it was, the overall atmosphere was good with suppliers and retailers very upbeat. For me my favourite new product was the miniature world from Vivid Arts, a lovely collectable range that can easily expand into different themes and will sell all year round. There were also some interesting developments within the watering category and being able to control your home irrigation system from your mobile is amazing. “It’s also good to see the Arthur Bowers brand will continue within the Westland portfolio. Smart Garden and Gardman have also entered the gift arena with some nice things here as well. “Overall we were pleased with the show and the quality of the exhibitors”. James Debbage, Green Pastures Plant Centre & Farm Shop, Gardeners Kitchen Restaurant: “We really enjoyed GLEE this year and it was definitely our most productive visit yet. The layout meant that we could quickly locate all the stands that we needed to without much time wasting in between. “We were particularly impressed with the clothing ranges we saw resulting in orders placed to take advantage of seasonal sales. “I was also very excited with the new ranges of containers available for next season and can’t wait to have them in our centre!” Caroline Owen, Managing Director, Scotsdales: “Excellent show and time very well spent on a very important category within our centres; look forward to the show being bigger and better again in 2016”
Yvonne Ritchie, Director, Brechin Castle Garden Centre
"Another great Glee, lots of inspirational products around. "Highlights: Smart Solar, Solar flower lights for the garden, in the form of, Snowdrop, Tulip, and Bluebell. Pet Face- bird care range. Vivid Art, across the board, in particular Fairy Garden display. "Artificial grass is becoming more popular, many more companies bringing this product to the show, with an ageing population who are looking for an alternative lawn, but still wish to look out the window and see "green" instead of gravel, the artificial lawn ticks this box for them. "I anticipate that Fairy Gardening will be very strong, as many companies are only now grasping the concept and bringing innovative products into the market . Vivid Art had a really well executed display of Fairy Garden product, and many centres attending the show were really inspired by the display."
Simon Bourne, Perrywood Garden Centre
"I really enjoyed Glee this year and struggled to see everyone and everything in two days. It seemed busier with visitors than last year, there were more suppliers to see and there was a lot of interest on the stands. "Good bets for 2016 include the light bulb solar light from Smart, fairy gardening seems to be taking off with several companies adding it to the range for 2016 and those that had it for 2015 continuing. "Bird care was interesting. Petface have now got a really good range and Chapelwood looks good as well but with Gardman and Tom Chambers already established, will all of them find space in 2016? "It was good to see Sinclair on the Westland stand rather than ending up in the graveyard with Solus. I think they will make a success of it. "The Crest stand looked good this year and they have a really good range of tools now. I think you will see them in lots of garden centres next year."
And finally, some closing comments from Matthew Mein:
"The change of dates meant that from day one the show started with great energy and that has built great momentum. Feedback from exhibitors has been extremely positive and from a visitor's persective the 190 new exhibitors at Glee this year, showcasing thousands of new products, has been most inspirational.
"Thank you to all of the 500 exhibitors who've put on a fantastic showcase that sets the garden industry in a great light for 2016 and thank you to all the visitors, many of whom I've seen here for all three days of the show.
"The Glee New Product Showcase really set the bar for next season with some great innovations and some fantsatic new takes on old ideas that will undoubtedly sell very well.
"I look forward to seeing you all next year on Monday 12th September through to Wednesday 14th September at Glee 2016."
If you have a comment about Glee 2015 please use the comments link below or e-mail:
Game On Glovie at the shock Japan rugby result

GTN Xtra has learned that the lucky omen responsible for the shock Japan Rugby World Cup win in Brighton last night was a Greenfingers #Glovie, taken just as the match got under way...

GTN Xtra has learned that the lucky omen responsible for the shock Japan Rugby World Cup win in Brighton last night was a Greenfingers #Glovie, taken just as the match got under way.
Greenfingers Trustee Boyd Douglas-Davies was in the crowd and captured this historic #glovie before the amazing shock result - Japan won 34-32 - with a try in stoppage time - waved on by the Greenfingers Glovie of course!
Boyd has now issued a Rugby World Cup Challenge: How many Game On Glovies can we get during the world cup? If you are attending a World Cup match in the next six weeks take your Glovie with you and send us your Game On Glovie to:
The Glovie will undoubtedly be regarded as a Japanese symbol of good luck from now on and feature in all Japanese Gardens. GTN Xtra expects Gardenex to get a flood of calls from glove maufacturers seeking to get "good luck" export sales in Japan and the Greenfingers team now have UK based Japanese business people as a new fundraising target.
Sunday trading proposals will boost the rural economy and benefit consumers, says HTA
The Horticultural Trades Association this week set out its strong support for the Government’s proposals to devolve power over Sunday trading rules, arguing that a relaxation of the rules would deliver significant economic benefits for garden centres and wider social benefits to families and hobby gardeners...

HTA Chief Executive Carol Paris seen here with Adam Wigglesworth from Aylett Nurseries, who was appointed as President of the Association, taking over the role from Stan Green of Growforth.

The Horticultural Trades Association this week set out its strong support for the Government’s proposals to devolve power over Sunday trading rules, arguing that a relaxation of the rules would deliver significant economic benefits for garden centres and wider social benefits to families and hobby gardeners.
The HTA has long argued that garden centres should be allowed to open for more than six hours on a Sunday, and therefore welcomed this proposal that would take steps towards achieving this. Sundays are by far the busiest day of the week for garden centres, typically making 20-25% of weekly sales. The HTA estimates that Sunday trading restrictions in England and Wales currently cost the industry an estimated £75 million per annum in lost sales.
In its response to the consultation, which closed yesterday, the HTA argued that it is vital that every community is given the freedom to choose whether to relax Sunday trading rules, saying that in most cases a local debate on the issue is long overdue. It also set out the positive impact that any eventual relaxation of Sunday trading rules at the local level would have on its membership – the garden centres, growers, manufacturers and suppliers which currently account for more than 29,000 businesses and employ more than 280,000 workers.
Allowing garden centres to trade for longer on a Sunday would allow members to make significant productivity gains and increase sales, boosting the competitiveness of an important sector which currently contributes £9 billion to the UK economy. It would particularly benefit the HTA’s SME members – around 95% of its membership - which will be able to compete on more of a level playing field against online retailers able to trade 24/7.
All of this will in turn provide a significant shot in the arm for the rural economy, as the majority of the HTA’s garden centre members and the commercial growers that supply them are based in rural communities.
Carol Paris, Chief Executive of the HTA, commented: “Whilst we believe there is a strong case to be made for relaxing Sunday trading rules across the board, we believe that – in the case of garden centres – the argument is beyond doubt.
"We feel that our member businesses, most of which are SMEs, are unfairly hampered by trading restrictions which customers don’t understand anyway in this modern age of 24/7 online retail and Sunday is rapidly becoming the favourite shopping day.
"We urge the Government not to miss this golden opportunity to relax Sunday trading to the significant benefit of garden centres, their customers, staff and suppliers.”
Pictured: HTA Chief Executive Carol Paris seen here with Adam Wigglesworth from Aylett Nurseries, who was appointed as President of the Association, taking over the role from Stan Green of Growforth.
The UK’s number one insecticide, Provado Ultimate Bug Killer, will have a new active ingredient in 2016: deltamethrin.Explaining the change Bayer Garden Product Manager, Alison Mulvaney, said: “Deltamethrin is a very effective weapon against unwanted garden insects. It’s fast acting and can be used on ornamentals and a far wider range of fruit and vegetables than was the case with our previous active ingredient. “We’re introducing this active ingredient in 2016 as a proactive step in recognition of the likelihood that the regulations and legislation around neonicotinoids will alter. “Retailers can sell existing stocks with no restriction; we’ve acted proactively to make the transition for both retailers and gardeners easy and seamless. “Bayer Garden has a long track record of developing highly effective insecticides and actively supporting their responsible use. This remains the case; we will continue to innovate, developing new and effective active ingredients to the pests and diseases gardeners face.” A contact insecticide the new Provado Ultimate Bug Killer Ready to Use will provide up to two weeks protection from unwanted garden insects. The new Provado Ultimate Bug Killer Concentrate will kill and protect again new pest attack, providing up to four weeks control, and is for use in the home, garden, greenhouse and conservatory.
Making the most of all the new product opportunities
After what was acclaimed by most people as a very successful Glee, now’s the time to start making the most of all the new product opportunities showcased at this year’s show...

Glee New Products will also feature on BBC National airwaves, with Boyd Douglas-Davies from Hillview Garden Centres (pictured above) being interviewed by BBC Radio 4’s You and Yours programme.

After what was acclaimed by most people as a very successful Glee, now’s the time to start making the most of all the new product opportunities showcased at this year’s show.
Over 300 products were entered into the New Product Showcase which was the starting point for many journeys around the show and a key point of reference during the three days.
The winners, along with many other exhibitors, all reported high levels of interest in the products with several large orders being placed immediately at the show. GTN Bestsellers understand that the Spear & Jackson Occasions Gift Range of etched essential garden tools presented in a gift box had received particularly high order levels from centres wanting to have it in stock for Christmas.
Glee New Products will also feature on BBC National airwaves, with Boyd Douglas-Davies from Hillview Garden Centres (pictured above) being interviewed by BBC Radio 4’s You and Yours programme.
Are you planning a display of innovative new products for your customers to build interest and sale for next year?
GTN Bestsellers Top 50 sales volumes compared to the same week last year...
- Garden Products - down 23%
- Veg-2-Gro Products - down 14%
- Growing Media - down 11%
- All Items Index - down 8%
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email

Here’s a great Bestsellers tip from the Green Heart of Glee. Kevin Waters created 12 month by month merchandising ideas within the plant displays.
Thrillers, spillers and fillers doesn’t just have to be used for spring-summer container and basket sales. It’s also a great opportunity to sell more plants, pots, compost and feeds during the autumn too.
See our picture gallery of the displays using the link below.
Glee-ful time for Greenfingers

Greenfingers, the national charity dedicated to creating gardens and outdoor spaces for children in hospices around the country, had an extremely busy and productive time at Glee this week. Capitalising on having so many industry supporters under one roof it was an extremely fruitful few days for the Greenfingers team who were launching new initiatives, fundraising, meeting up with old contacts and making new ones...
Greenfingers, the national charity dedicated to creating gardens and outdoor spaces for children in hospices around the country, had an extremely busy and productive time at Glee this week. Capitalising on having so many industry supporters under one roof it was an extremely fruitful few days for the Greenfingers team who were launching new initiatives, fundraising, meeting up with old contacts and making new ones.Glee was the perfect place to launch plans for the next Greenfingers Garden Re-Leaf Day, which will take place on Friday 18th March 2016. Garden centres, suppliers, companies and individuals are all being urged to start planning activities now, with Greenfingers offering new fundraising ideas like the 24 hour Plant-athon and the Garden Re-Leaf Tool Exchange, alongside old favourites such as The Garden Re-Leaf Quiz. For further information please visit or email 
The charity was delighted to announce a major new partnership with Squire’s Garden Centres who have made Greenfingers the beneficiary of its carrier bag tax, the government initiative that comes in to force on 5th October this year. Greenfingers Chairman John Ashley and Squire’s MD Dennis Espley shook hands on the new deal on Monday.
The regular Glee highlight– the Greenfingers Trolley of Booze – was back again , kindly donated by Woodlodge. Thanks to all those who bought tickets and of course congratulations to the two winners! Greenfingers were overwhelmed with generous offers of gift in kind products and services which always prove invaluable to the work they do and contribute directly to ongoing garden builds. Special thanks to Westland Horticulture Ltd, Grange Fencing Ltd, Crown Pavilions, Norlog Garden Products, Kelkay, Wyeplants, Whartons Nurseries, LLC, Scheurich, Hamac, Yorkshire Flower Pots and Tildenett. Thanks must also go to all the companies who kindly donated exhibited products at the end of the show – and many thanks to Hillview Garden Centre for the collection and transport of these items. Greenfingers Chairman, John Ashley, spoke after the show, saying: “It really has been a fantastic few days at Glee for the Greenfingers team. It has been a wonderful opportunity to meet up with our generous supporters and the perfect place to launch Garden Re-Leaf Day for 2016. On behalf of everyone at Greenfingers we would like to offer sincere thanks to everyone who visited the stand and are set to help us build even more great gardens for children in hospices around the country over the next year.” Greenfingers would also like to thank i2i for generously giving them the space at Glee.
Wyevale Nurseries becomes a NATO ally
One of the UK’s leading commercial nurseries, Wyveale Nurseries, has this month become a supporter of the National Association of Tree Officers (NATO). Sales and marketing director Adam Dunnett said: "We are backing the vital work of putting trees into the urban landscape.”
One of the UK’s leading commercial nurseries has this month become a supporter of the National Association of Tree Officers (NATO). Wyevale Nurseries, which is based in Hereford, will provide support and advice to the independent group of local authority tree officers from all parts of the country. Adam Dunnett, Sales and Marketing Director at Wyevale Nurseries, said: “We have the complete tree offer and means to support the arboriculture industry at a time it is challenged on local authority funding. We will be offering supply and a wealth of advice and assistance so that we can back the vital work of putting trees into the urban landscape.” NATO is a UK based, independent organisation that represents and distributes the views and concerns of Tree Officers nationwide. Adam (pictured) added: “We are a major wholesale grower of trees, starting with seedlings and transplants raised from local seed provenances, growing on to full-sized standard trees both field and container-grown. We are so delighted to be able to support NATO going forwards.” Wyevale Nurseries is one of the largest family-run wholesale nurseries in the UK. It was established in 1930 by Harry Williamson, a horticulturist and entrepreneur. It became the company it is today under the leadership of his son, Peter, who sadly passed away in 2011. The Williamsons’ saw the opportunity to sell their product to an undeveloped retail market, creating one of the first garden centres, followed by a chain. In 1987, the retail side needed to expand and the 19 garden centres were sold as a PLC. The family then turned its focus to Wyevale Nurseries Ltd. It continues to be a family-run business with ownership and joint chairmanship currently being held by the third generation, Heather and Simeon Williamson, with plans for the fourth generation to takeover in the future. Wyevale Nurseries has a significant product range and is regularly introducing new plants. It offers a large variety of trees, shrubs, hedging, herbaceous and specimen plants to garden centres, landscape contractors, local authorities, foresters and landowners.

Fallen Fruits is celebrating after winning three awards at this year's Glee New Product Showcase.
It's fantastically fruity ‘Outdoor Pouffes’ won first prize in the Leisure Products category, with judges praising the fun Pouffes for their originality, practicality and vibrant design. The Pouffes are available as a segment of kiwi, orange or watermelon and come with a removable, waterproof cover making cleaning and drying easy.
"Outdoor accessories no longer have to blend into the background. Consumers are looking for fun items that stand out and create a talking point in their gardens," explains Michael Hall, managing director of Fallen Fruits.
"The ‘Outdoor Pouffes’ are a great example of how a practical product can still be fun, colourful and unique. All Fallen Fruits designs are based around nature and the ‘Outdoor Pouffes’ are no different - we've just looked towards more colourful, fruity inspirations!" adds Michael.
Fallen Fruits Hobnail Glass bird baths and feeders were also recognised, coming third in the Pet and Wildlife Products category. This collection of beautiful clear and coloured glass bird baths and feeders has a vintage feel and makes the perfect alternative to traditional wood or stone.
The ‘Lovers Umbrella’, which has been uniquely designed to shelter two people side by side comfortably, came second in the Home and Giftware category. With its beautiful white lovebird motif on a black background it is as stylish as it is practical.
"It has been a fantastic start to Glee for us with three of our new products, all launched at the show, being placed in the prestigious New Product Showcase. We have a lot of faith in our products and knew they would be popular but being recognised by our industry peers is a huge honour.
"We are looking forward to the rest of the show and introducing all of our new products, even those that did not win an award, to visitors," adds Michael.
Garden retailers can contact Fallen Fruits for more information about these and other products by contacting the company on 01584 873377 or by emailing
New look Town & Country goes down a storm
At the end of an exceptionally busy and fruitful three days at Glee, Town & Country says the unveiling of its new brand image has gone down a storm with show visitors.
At the end of an exceptionally busy and fruitful three days at Glee, Town & Country says the unveiling of its new brand image has gone down a storm with show visitors.
Existing customers and a significant number of new customers alike, were full of praise for the new look Town & Country. Glee provided the ideal platform for the launch, which was the culmination of a 12 month development project.
With a new corporate logo, new products, new packaging, new POS and new merchandising solutions, the revitalisation of the brand is complete and will, believes the company, secure its position and reputation as the UK’s leading gardening gloves and footwear brand.
Comments Barry Page, chief executive: “I think this was the best Glee there has been for a few years in terms of the show layout and the quality of exhibitors and visitors.
"Monday was the opening day as opposed to Sunday in previous years, and for us was phenomenal. We hardly had time to catch our breath with the number of visitors on stand – from the big groups down to the independent garden centre owner.
"Over the course of the three days we have seen existing customers pledge to retain and increase their Town & Country product ranges, as well as a number of brand new customers signing up for the first time. "We are particularly delighted with the confirmation from Choice Marketing of a further two year commitment of support for the Town & Country brand. “Everything went down exceptionally well. At the beginning of the rebrand process, we talked to our customers about what they wanted from us. They asked for the continuation of the quality, value and service with which the Town & Country brand is synonymous, and wanted a refreshed look for the brand, with new products, packaging and merchandising highlighted as areas of focus. “As the reaction so far testifies, we are happy that we have delivered what we promised and look forward to working with our retail partners to translate the successful launch we had at GLEE into a vibrant new presence in garden centres that will deliver tangible results.” For further information, contact Town & Country on 01530 830990, email or visit the trade website.
Grower left red faced after eating £1,000 tomato

Having announced a £1,000 prize for the heaviest Gigantomo Tomato brought to The Harrogate Autumn Show, Van Meuwen PR officer Kris Collins quietly went about raising his own plants aiming to achieve a whopper. His largest fruit weighed in at 4lb3oz (1.95kg), and while he said it made the perfect base for a bolognese sauce, you can image his shock come Harrogate weigh in day to find the winning fruit came in at just 3lb8oz (1.75kg)...

Having announced a £1,000 prize for the heaviest Gigantomo Tomato brought to The Harrogate Autumn Show, Van Meuwen PR officer Kris Collins quietly went about raising his own plants aiming to achieve a whopper.The initial marketing campaign featured a true photograph of a giant fruit grown in the US, some 30cm in diameter. Despite thinning the fruits to encourage giant produce and using a secret homemade fertiliser, Kris’s Gigantomos just didn’t live up to the poster campaign. Assessing the weights amongst his final harvest, he didn’t think he stood a chance against seasoned giant veg growers. “Faced with two large tomatoes I decided to make a bolognese with one and a fresh tomato salad with the other rather than pit them against the giant veg growing fraternity.” Said Kris. His largest fruit weighed in at 4lb3oz (1.95kg), and while he said it made the perfect base for a bolognese sauce, you can image his shock come Harrogate weigh in day to find the winning fruit came in at just 3lb8oz (1.75kg). “When we heard the weight of the winning fruit, I apparently went a little pale in the face as it dawned on me that I had treated my family to the most expensive pasta dish on the planet! If I had kept the fruit for exhibition I could have treated them to a nice holiday instead of a simple home cooked meal. I was expecting to see tomatoes the size of footballs not baseballs!” Van Meuwen General Manager, Chris Wright, said he was happy to award the £1,000 prize money to Joe Atherton of Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts, as weather conditions had not been ideal for tomato growers this season. To have a fully ripe tomato, let alone a giant, was an impressive result. He said: “Sadly weather conditions have prevented growers from meeting the true potential of this fantastic giant tomato, but if this is what can be produced in a cool season, imagine what can be done in a hot summer. Gigantomo truly has the potential to create a world record breaker and we hope to see growers trying again next year in order to bring the world record for the heaviest tomato to UK shores.” Chris also says that what Gigantomo lacks in appearance is made up for in flavour: “Most other large varieties lack taste and texture. Gigantomo might not always make the prettiest tomatoes, but independent taste tests prove it holds its flavour whatever the size or shape of the fruit. It also has a high flesh content with little juice or seeds, making it perfect for a wide variety of uses – you can feed a whole family with just one tomato!” As for the other Kris, he says this isn’t the end of his giant veg growing venture: “I’ll be back next year, a little wiser and a little more eager to take home a prize. I won’t be eating bolognese for a while though - it will just leave a bad taste in my mouth!”

Poplars, Groves and Barton Grange have all won Gold in The Greatest Awards. Which garden centres will be leaving the HTA Futures Conference with Gold this year?
The Greatest Garden Centre Team Awards Categories - The Greatest Garden Care Retail Team of the Year
- The Greatest Garden Centre Customer Service Team of the Year
- The Greatest Garden Centre Training Team or Initiative of the Year, sponsored by MorePeople
- The Greatest Garden Centre Merchandising Team of the Year
- The Greatest Gardening Supplier of the Year
- The Greatest Garden Centre of the Year (Public Vote), sponsored by National Garden Gift Vouchers
Once we've received your nomination we will contact you to arrange a visit from one of our Greatest Awards experts and collect more information.
The Greatest Garden Centre Team Awards will be presented on the evening of Wednesday September 30th at The HTA Futures Conference Dinner.
For details of attending HTA Futures visit: or email: usual The Greatest Awards team of experts will be out and about meeting nominated teams, gathering information and taking photos of their work so that the Gold, Silver and Bronze Greatest Awards winners can be chosen. Plus your team have the chance to become The Greatest Garden Centre Team of 2015 by involving your customers in the public voting later this summer. The Greatest Garden Centre Teams, small, medium and large will be the teams that have the best relationships with their customers and generate the most votes (taking size of centre into account) and in the event of a tie, the centre with the most complimentary comments form their customers. To take part in the public vote please e-mail or call The Greatest Awards on 01733 775700 to request an in store voting pack. As this issue of GTN Xtra goes to press the expert judges are meeting to decide the winners of The Greatest Outdoor Living Retail Team Awards in advance of The National Plant Show. Make sure your Garden Care and Garden Centre teams are nominated for visits later in August and September. The Greatest Awards would like to thank sponsors, Elho, National Garden Gift Vouchers, MorePeople and The HTA plus the event organisers at The HTA Catering Conference, National Plant Show, GIMA Awards spoga+gafa and HTA Futures for agreeing to be presentation venues for The Greatest Awards ON TOUR 2015.
Sponsorship opportunities are available for product and service suppliers seeking to gain the highest possible exposure between now and November this year. Please contact for details.
See pictures of the Green Heart plant merchandising displays

A new feature of Glee 2015 were the Green Heart guided tours by Kevin Waters which included 12 month by month plant merchanising ideas. Dougal Philip from New Hopetoun Gardens said after his team took a tour on Wednesday morning: "That has been the most valuable and rewarding thing we've done at Glee and added enormously to all of the other ideas and products we've seen in the halls. We will definately be back for another Green Heart tour in 2016."
And Conna Powles from Haskins added: "Kevin Waters put together some great ideas which completely clarified some ideas about planting recipes that I couldn’t quite get clear in my head. It is difficult to cut through so much detail and make things simple but, I think he did that with his monthly calendar with ‘thrillers, spillers and fillers’."
If you missed Kevin's tour this year, here's our exclusive GTN Xtra pictures of the 12 merchandising displays from our very own guided tour...

The winner of the Glee Retailers Choice Award for 2015 was the Uuni 2 woodfired pizza oven.
Retailers voted throughout Glee 2015 for their choice of the best new product with the winners announced by Event Director Matthew Mein and HTA CEO Carol Paris at Glee on Wednesday 16th September.
Two other products received highly commended awards:
Deco-Pak for their Buddha head and
Eden Greenhouses for their Birdlip Greenhouse.

Click here to read Issue 1 of the Glee Daily News 2015:
Click here to read Issue 2 of the Glee Daily News 2015
Click here to read Issue 3 of the Glee Daily News 2015
Click here to read Issue 4 - Build Up LIVE! of the Glee Daily News 2015
Click here to read Issue 5 - Monday LIVE! of the Glee Daily News 2015
Click here to read Issue 6 - Tuesday LIVE! of the Glee Daily News 2015
Click here to read Issue 7 - Wednesday LIVE! of the Glee Daily News 2015
The Glee Daily News 2015 Omnibus issue will be published next week.
The Glee Daily News is sent by free to all visitors of Glee. Advertising and promotion opportunities are available. To book your activity into The Glee Daily News, please call Mandy Atkin or Ben Greenwood today on 01733 775700 or by e-mail:
Plantarea Manager, Shaw Trust Palmer GardensThis is a unique opportunity for anyone to either progress their career into senior management who have a passion to help people less fortunate than themselves or if you have a wealth of experience in running a plantarea but want to give back something to the community then this is the job for you. Not only are we a well-established garden centre and Café serving the local community and surrounding area we also help disabled and disadvantaged youngsters get into work by training them in a real working environment. Please send a CV and covering letter to Simon Harpin, Shaw Trust Palmer Gardens. or visit Shaw Trust – vacancies – on our website vacancy number ST/3391.
Bonnington Plastics Ltd has been trading since 1967 and is one of the UK’s largest importers of Gardening, Housewares and Leisure products. We have our own offices and showroom in china, and Head Office and warehousing in Nottingham. We are currently recruiting Sales Agents to service Garden Centres throughout the Country.The Person: We are looking for motivated, dynamic, passionate and professional sales agents with experience in the gardening industry. The Responsibilities: - To research relevant retailers and identify new accounts for growth
- Work with the Kingfisher range to come up with a sales strategy
- Communicate with current and potential stockists to manage sales
The Requirements: - A great sales person: tenacious, assertive, resilient, with initiative and ability to communicate well.
- Good knowledge of gardening wholesale business practices
- Excellent understanding of different stockists
- Likes working in a start-up environment, and has the passion to be an instrumental part in the growth of an emerging garden centre
- Has the firm grasp of the Kingfisher brand positioning and the ability to target stockists
- You will be well presented, trustworthy and love being with customers
The Position: This is a freelance position. The sales agent will work independently in his/her own time. Required experience: Please send CV to Bonnington Plastics Ltd, Kingfisher House, 9 Glaisdale Parkway, Nottingham, NG8 4GP Telephone: 0115 985 4119

Polhill Garden Centre Gifts and Homeware Team Leader London Road, Badgers Mount, Sevenoaks, Kent,TN14 7BD An excellent opportunity has arisen for an enthusiastic and self motivated, hands-on Team Leader to take on the responsibility of the daily management of the Gift and Homeware Department. The products include gift items, cookware, home interiors and furniture, children’s toys, cards and books. The successful candidate will possess outstanding retail knowledge in a similar environment, display attention to detail and flair for display and possess a real passion for providing outstanding customer service. The main duties include: - Assisting customers
- Ddaily ordering
- Merchandising
- Ddisplays
- Maintaining high levels of shop floor and customer service standards
- Managing a small friendly team
- Some heavy lifting involved
Hours: 4 weekdays and alternate weekends
Assistant Manager, Studley Garden Centre This is a great time to join Studley Garden Centre, part of the Hillview Garden Centres group, as we're about to embark on an investment programme that is aimed to double the store's turnover. We're looking for a strong individual, ideally with a garden centre background. You'll be shop floor based but required to assist with some of the site administration, budgets etc so need to be computer literate. Most importantly you'll be a great retailer and team leader. Send CV and covering letter to Paul Williams, GC Manager Studley Garden Centre,
Commercial Sales Estimator (ref:DS7574) Location: Lincolnshire Salary: Competitive Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent
 Due to continued growth this family run wholesale nursery business is looking to recruit an experienced Full-time Sales Estimator to join their small, yet busy commercial team. This important role needs the estimator to focus on customer service and work closely with Landscapers, Amenity Contractors and designers. The Sales Estimator will be responsible for generating accurate estimations quotations / tenders, following up tender documents and closely liaising with the client base.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Analyse tender documentation and prepare costs for the client
- Adhering to tight deadlines
- Understand client requirements and discuss cost estimates with the ability to offer alternatives for the benefit of both client and employer
- Assisting the Commercial Sales Manager with duties
- Identifying and introducing potential new clients
- Assist the Sales Team with Technical Enquiries.
Qualifications: Good all-round knowledge of Microsoft packages is essential. Time management, task prioritisation and organisational skills are required as well as being able to work under pressure and on your own. Knowledge of Horticulture is essential, and being able to understand drawings and Specifications would be beneficial. Please submit your CV in the first instance or to discuss further please call Dianne Saunders at MorePeople on 01780 480530.
Contracts Manager (ref:DS7458) Location: Surrey ideally but commutable to M25 essential. Salary: £30,000 dependent on experience Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent
 Our client is a leading Grounds Maintenance Company based in East Anglia who carry out a wide range of commercial contracts throughout the UK. They are currently seeking to recruit a Grounds Maintenance Contracts Manager for the South to oversee commercial contracts throughout this Region. Reporting to the Regional Manager and Operations Director The ideal candidate will currently be employed in a similar role or be seeking to take their next step into a more senior management role. Responsibilities will include:
- Overseeing the implementation of contracts to strict deadlines and budgets
- Assisting in development and bidding for new works
- Liaison with clients
- Implementation and management of health & safety and quality procedures
- Supervision of Teams
- Maintaining contract files
The successful candidate should hold a relevant horticultural or landscape qualification A full driving license is essential. They should also have significant experience in managing commercial contacts and be able to give superb customer service to clients. Ideal candidate should be based in the Surrey or M25 environs. . Please submit your CV in the first instance or to discuss further please call Dianne Saunders at MorePeople on 01780 480530.
Sundries Assistant | Garden Centres | Large Group (ref:BP7650) Location: Hampshire Salary: £18,000 - £20,000 Date: 14 Sep Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent

My client is a large garden centre group based throughout Great Britain. The business prides itself on its mix of high quality large destination centre and more boutique offerings. They are a recognisable brand and are expanding. The Role
This role will take on a number two position in the busy garden sundries department. The role will revolve around providing excellent customer service, maintaining merchandising standards and ad hoc management of the department.
The Person
I am seeking an experienced retailer preferably from a garden retail background. You will have good product knowledge with garden sundries and will be looking to find a role with potential to progress and real day one responsibilities.
Please submit your CV in the first instance or to discuss further please call Brad Peck at MorePeople on 01780 480530.
Plant Area Supervisor (refBP7649) Location: Hampshire Salary: £18,000 - £20,000 Date: 14 Sep Job Type: Full-Time Duration: Permanent

My client is a large garden centre group based throughout Great Britain. The business prides itself on its mix of high quality large destination centre and more boutique offerings. They are a recognisable brand and are expanding. The Role
This role will be instrumental to plantarea leadership team, deputising for the planteria manager and managing a team of passionate plants people. You will be responsible for the maintenance and care of the stock but first and foremost you will be managing the customer experience through your department.
The Person
We need a talented and ambitious retailer. The ideal candidate will be looking to step up into this role and will be looking to be a leader. Plant knowledge is essential to the role however is does not need to be supported by an academic qualification. A good level of self taught plant knowledge would be acceptable. Visual merchandising experience is preferred.
Please submit your CV in the first instance or to discuss further please call Brad Peck at MorePeople on 01780 480530.
Back to the future for orchid feeders
When GTN Bestsellers published the first chart at Glee 2008, Fito Orchid drip feeders were the No 1 bestselling product to many people’s surprise. Now, after a few years of disappearing from the top of the chart, they are back selling in high volumes to regain the top spot with Orchid Myst hard on their heels at No 2...
When GTN Bestsellers published the first chart at Glee 2008, Fito Orchid drip feeders were the No 1 bestselling product to many people’s surprise.
Now, after a few years of disappearing from the top of the chart, they are back selling in high volumes to regain the top spot with Orchid Myst hard on their heels at No 2.
Other high performing items this week were:
- Bayer Bio Slug & Snail Killer 1kg packs are the week’s highest climbers – up 26 places as slugs have their say at the end of the season.
- Scotts Evergreen Autumn Spreader for 100 sq m is the highest re-entry at No 10.
- Town & Country Purple Master gardener gloves are the highest new entry at No 28.
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email
Onions set the pace for veg sales
Onion sets and garlic bulbs are the key drivers for Veg-2-Grow sales this week in the GN Bestellers charts. Seven of the top 10 bestselling lines are onion sets or garlic varieties, one more than in the Top 10 for the same time last year...
Onion sets and garlic bulbs are the key drivers for Veg-2-Grow sales this week in the GN Bestellers charts. Seven of the top 10 bestselling lines are onion sets or garlic varieties, one more than in the Top 10 for the same time last year.
Star performers this week include:
- Taylors Red Winter Onions 50 Bulb Pack tops the chart for the first time.
- Taylors Onion Sets Senshhyu Yellow is the highest climber, up to No 2.
- Taylors Onion Sets Troy are the highest re-entry, back in at No 5.
To subscribe to GTN Bestsellers email
Autumn growing gets growing
Autumn growing activity really got going last week as sales of growing media products saw a big jump week on week.
Autumn growing activity really got going last week as sales of growing media products saw a big jump week on week.
That’s good news, but September growing media sales volumes are currently running 10% down on last year.
That should mean there are plenty of sales to come for the rest of this month. How are your Autumn growing media hot spots?
The main star performers this week include:
- Bulb Planting composts are selling well. Westland 20 litre packs move up 11 places to No 6.
- Vital Earth Bulb Compost 25 litres moves up 14 places to No 36.
- Scotts Levington Organic Blend Topsoil 25 litres is this weeks highest re-entry at No 10.
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Taking place at Chesford Grange, Warwickshire on Tuesday 10 November, the HTA is excited to announce its first HTA Marketing Forum. The marketing forum is for all those involved in marketing and public relations in the garden industry, keynote speakers will include Tim Mason, renowned for launching Tesco’s Clubcard scheme, Tesco Express, and Tesco Personal Finance, and Gerald Ratner, former CEO of Ratners Group (now the Signet Group). With competing interests on consumer time and cash at an all-time high, it is ever more important to ensure your business is promoting itself to its full potential. However, few businesses across the garden sector have huge marketing budgets allowing them to run extensive promotional campaigns. In this one-day event, we take inspiration from inside and outside the industry to provide examples and case studies on getting the most out of your marketing budget. The programme includes keynote presentations, bite sized sessions on topics including loyalty schemes, TV commercials and in-store videos and using consumer segmentation and examples from the industry of innovative ways of attracting new customers on a year round basis. Aimed at garden industry professionals, both experienced and new to marketing and promotions, the programme is designed to ensure that attendees leave with top tips and examples of the best use of new and trusted marketing methods that will bring in new customers and retain existing ones. There will be the opportunity for networking throughout the day with delegates, speakers and exhibition partners. To register your interest, email and more information about the programme and booking will be sent to you as it is announced.

The APL and two APL members have received a Gold medal for their garden at the Harrogate Autumn Flower Show.
Jody Lidgard of Bespoke Outdoor Spaces, and Justin Paxman of Paxman Landscapes UK Ltd offered the support of some of their apprentices and young workers, Jacob, Josh from Bespoke Outdoor Spaces, and, Toby and Jack from Paxman Landscapes UK Ltd. After helping with RHS Showbuilds, including the Homebase garden at Chelsea, this was Jacob and Josh’s first solo garden. Josh and Jacob built the majority of the garden, with Paxman doing the hedge planting and tree planting. The APL's Phil Tremayne designed and planted the planting scheme.
Josh will be joining the APL Apprenticeship Programme this year to continue to develop his knowledge and skills against industry standards.
Penny Evans, APL Learning and Careers Manager, said: “Any opportunity to build a complete garden is a great experience and shouldn’t be missed. The APL Apprenticeship Programme will hone technical skills and consolidate the learning with a complete build at the end of the Apprenticeship.“ The sponsors who have helped to bring the garden to reality include Cozy Bay, JA Jones, Marshalls, Green Tech, Paxman Landscapes, Bespoke Outdoor Spaces and Lindum Turf.
Glee New Product Awards 2015 results
Nine ground-breaking new garden products have been confirmed as the winners of the coveted Glee New Product Awards 2015, with Baksaver Barrows (above) winning the Glee Innovation Award...

Nine ground-breaking new garden products have been confirmed as the winners of the coveted Glee New Product Awards 2015, with Baksaver Barrows (above) winning the Glee Innovation Award.
Selected from hundreds of entries before Glee opened its doors (14th – 16th September, NEC Birmingham), the winning products were chosen by an expert panel of judges representing independent and multiple retailers, the media and international suppliers.
Entries were submitted into nine key garden retail categories, comprising: - Best Garden Care (Accessories) Product
- Best Machinery and Tool Product
- Best Plants, Seeds, and Bulbs Product
- Best Garden Care (Chemicals, Fertilisers and Compost) Products
- Best Pet and Wildlife Product
- Best Leisure Product
- Best Catering and Speciality Product
- Best Landscaping and Construction Product
- Innovation Award
One further award – the Retailers' Choice Award – will be announced on Wednesday (16th September) morning at 10:00am. Retailers visiting the Glee New Product display are invited to vote for their favourite product after viewing the entries on display. Voting is open now and shall close on Tuesday evening. An additional ‘Innovation Award’ was also added to the award programme for 2015. Created in response to industry feedback, this new award celebrates true innovation from the 500+ exhibitors which will be filling Glee in 2015. Judges considered each entry on a challenging range of criteria, including innovation, design, quality, environmental credentials, pricing and retail potential – resulting in some hot debates and close runners-up in a number of categories. 
On the judging panel were: Brian Archibald (Coolings), Tony Kersey (Homebase), Marcus Cousins (Aylett Nurseries), Kevin Waters (The Garden Works), Conna Powles (Haskins), Michelle de Lavis-Trafford (Choice), Gábor Knorr (British Garden), Yvonne Ritchie (Brechin Castle), Trevor Pfeiffer (Garden Trade News), Susan Fairley, Matthew Mein and Saul Leese (i2i Events).
All entries can be found in a single central located ‘new products hub’ within the heart of Glee’s location with halls 17 – 20. Winners’ round-up Best Garden Care (Accessories) Product Winner: Cloud Controller, Hozelock First runner up: Solar Powered Eureka! Lightbulb lantern, Smart Garden Products Ltd Second runner up: 3 Pattern Spray Ball Best Machinery and Tools Product Winner: Baksaver Barrow, Baksaver Barrows First runner up: Batavia Multishifter Second runner up: Duraball, The Walsall Wheelbarrow Company Ltd Best Plants, Seeds and Bulbs Winner: Raspberry Ruby Beauty, Wyevale Nurseries First runner up: Nemesia Sunpeddle Painted Rose, Channel Island Plants (UK) Ltd Second runner up: Gro-Sure Sow Smart, Westland Horticulture Best Garden Care Chemicals, Fertilisers and Composts Product Winner: Sylvagrow Compost 100%, Melcourt Industries First runner up: Rootgrow Ericoid Mycorrhizal Fungi, Plantgrow Second runner up: Sea Maid Calcified Seaweed Meal, Mydas Best Pet & Wildlife Product Winner: Loktop 2 Port Mealworm Feeder, Petface First runner up: Tweetie Feeder, VegTrug Second runner up: Hobnail glass bird range, Fallen Fruits Best Home, Gift & Clothing Winner: Occasions Gift Range, Spear & Jackson First runner up: Lovers Umbrella, Fallen Fruits Second runner up: Buttacup Flow Best Leisure Product Winner: Outdoor pouffe, Fallen Fruits First runner up: ONJA, Rosker Ltd Second runner up: Solar Bulb Stake and String Lights, Gardman Third runner up: Brighton Corner Arbour, Zest 4 Leisure Best Catering & Speciality Food Product Winner: Findlater's Gluten Free Bread Runner up: Smoke It All Best Landscaping & Construction Winner: Miniature World Range, Vivid Arts First runner up: RHS Gardeners Collection, Kelkay Second runner up: Noocity Growbed i2i’s Matthew Mein, Glee event manager confirmed: “We were delighted that so many superb, new products were entered for this year’s Glee New Products, and offer many congratulations to the worthy winners. Our thanks also go to the judges who so kindly lent their valuable time and expertise.” See more details about the Glee New Product Showcase winners in the Glee Daily News Onmibus issue and the October issue of Garden Trade News.
Green Digit win the second GIMA Innovator’s Seed Corn Fund
Green Digit are the 2015 GIMA Innovator’s Seed Corn Fund winners and collect a prize of £5,000. Launched in 2014 the GIMA Innovators’ Seed Corn Fund is designed to encourage new businesses, designers and innovators to enter the garden retail market.

Green Digit are the 2015 GIMA Innovator’s Seed Corn Fund winners and collect a prize of £5,000. Launched in 2014 the GIMA Innovators’ Seed Corn Fund is designed to encourage new businesses, designers and innovators to enter the garden retail market.
Beating off stiff competition, the team at Green Digit are the brains behind SeedCell, a new concept in Grow-Your-Own. Put simply, its packaging you plant! SeedCell offers a fun, clever, and waste free way to plant seeds, making them the perfect tool to get children interested in growing their own food. Just snap the cells out and push them into some soil. The unique pointed triangle cell acts as a seed delivery system, removing the need for tools. The natural pulp will absorb any ground moisture and help deliver it directly to the seed aiding the germination while providing a safe, reliable micro climate in which to grow. Currently the SeedCell is available in nine varieties (Chilli Peppers, Tomato, Sweet Mixed Peppers, Sunflowers, Mixed Herbs, Chives, Parsley, Coriander and Basil). GIMA Director, Vicky Nuttall said: “We’re incredibly pleased to confirm that Green Digit are the 2015 winners of the GIMA Innovators’ Seed Corn Fund. The judges were impressed, not only with the product’s simplicity, but also with the design and creative flair with which it had been put together, as well as how the concept had been thought through to a finished, shelf-ready product being offered at a competitive price. Not only this, but the SeedCell is designed to make growing your own accessible to all, whilst also offering significant environmental credentials. Finally, the product firmly flies the flag for true British innovation with its proud ‘Made in Britain’ status. Green Digit are a most worthy winner, and we look forward to working with the team to help them make their mark in the garden retail market.” In addition to choosing a winner, the panel also selected two highly commended companies. Those just missing out on the highly coveted title were:
- Buttacup with the Waterbutt Plant Pot: the Buttacup Flow is curved to fit perfectly to the side of any standard water butt using a simple nut and bolt. Once attached the self-watering system will do all the hard work. The Buttacup Flow is available in a range of colours including dark green to match your water butt. It is easy to install and comes with a full set of instructions and components.
- Baksaver Barrows with its namesake product, the Baksaver Barrow: Baksaver Barrows are designed from the ground up using feedback from a mixed range of wheelbarrow users. These high quality, durable wheelbarrows can be used with very little effort, where you don't need to lift to push or to tip. Each barrow comes complete with a three year warranty.
As the winner, Green Digit is now set to receive funding and help with the development and marketing of their product, together with support from experts within the industry.

Meet Green Digit. Q&A with Dan Robson, founder
Tell us a more about Green Digit Green Digit Ltd was formed in mid-2014, with the aim of the business being to design, develop and launch a well-considered product based on the concept of plantable packaging. The main objective was to engage with a new audience, and encourage them to have a go at growing their own. The products are intended to eliminate the complexities of growing plants from seed and encourages those who may have been put off by the idea of gardening or growing in the past. We truly believe that everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy the experience of growing and eating their own produce, and we aim to make this a possibility through our products.
Can you tell us a little bit more about the journey of SeedCell, from concept to the finished product? Our journey began four years ago, during my time as a design student at Northumbria University. While in my final year I submitted a piece of work which was based around the concept of a 100% biodegradable seed packet.
After completing my Masters in Design, Technology and Business in 2013 I decide to explore the possibility of starting a company to take my concept and turn it in to a real retail product. Determined to produce a small batch of my first design, I managed to raise a small sum through a government based innovation grant. Producing the first 10,000 products by hand, I found a distributor and began to test the market. One year on we have developed the product further to ensure its full commercial potential. We also spent the last year setting up the infrastructure needed to produce larger volume orders with our own in-house facility.
One of our unique USP's is that although we are a small company we pride ourselves on the fact that we are now in a position to deal with multi-national retailers. We have put a lot of hard work into our quality systems, procedures, shelf-ready boxes, point of sale material and a national distribution network, and are now ready to hit the ground running.
How did you hear about the GIMA Innovators’ Seed Corn Fund? While doing some market research at last year’s Glee I found myself at the GIMA stand, I introduced myself to Vicky Nuttall who, in turn, introduced me to some potential suppliers. Vicky was hugely helpful and it allowed us to find a new seed supplier. We got some information on the fund and couldn't wait to enter.
What made you enter the award? Having seen first-hand the connections GIMA helped us to make, we were keen to get the product in front of experienced people from the industry who could help us to make the right connections and steer us in the right direction.
What does the ‘win’ mean to you? Winning the GIMA Innovators’ Seed Corn Fund is our biggest achievement to date. It means a great deal to us to have our product recognised by such highly experienced people from within the gardening industry.
What can people at Glee expect to see from you? We are really excited to be exhibiting at Glee this year, having been visitors for the past three years running. We are very much looking forward to launching the product on our stand in the Innovators Zone. As it is our first year at Glee we are keen to introduce ourselves to the world of gardening buyers and retailers.
What are your current retail distribution routes for SeedCell? What channels are you hoping to reach at Glee? We have built up a network of independent retailers throughout the north of the UK, and we have a great relationship with our stockists. We offer promotional deals, and maintain contact to support our retailers and anyone dealing with us. We are looking to build on our current stockists and possibly find new territories.
To find out more about Green Digit and SeedCell visit You can also visit the company on-stand at Glee 2015, Hall 20, stand B29.
Glee Buyers Power List 2015 winners
The winners of the Glee Buyers Power List – the major new gardening buyer awards initiative introduced by Glee for the first time this year – are Haskins (pictured),, Blue Diamond, Homebase and John Lewis...

The winners of the Glee Buyers Power List – the major new gardening buyer awards initiative introduced by Glee for the first time this year – have been announced as Haskins (pictured),, Blue Diamond, Homebase and John Lewis.
From individual garden centre buyers to multiple retailer buying teams, the Glee Buyers Power List was launched to recognise and celebrate the many garden retail buyers who have gone ‘above and beyond’ to make a difference within the industry in the past 12 months.
Speaking at the Glee Buyers Power List awards ceremony, which was held on the second day of the industry-leading show, Glee’s Event Director Matthew Mein confirmed: “The Glee Buyers Power List was set up to recognise a key group of decision makers in the gardening industry who have often been overlooked: garden retail buyers. Through this new initiative, we are pleased to be able to celebrate and reward their hard work and dedication. Our huge congratulations to all of the winners, the finalists and the many excellent shortlisted nominees.”
Conna Powles, Buying Director of Haskins Garden Centres told GTN Xtra: "We were so delighted at winning in the Glee Power List. I am immensely proud of my team and they deserve the recognition for all their hard work and constant innovation. It also helps that they are also very nice people to work with! I would, however, say that if the Head of Retail Operations and the Marketing Director had been at Glee that day, I would have invited them to accept the award with us as we are not just a Buying team, a Marketing team and an Operations team; we are a Haskins team. We work together and I think that is what makes it work. It also helps that we actually like each other!"
Glee, organised by i2i Events, launched its inaugural Glee Buyers Power List initiative to the market in May. The response from the industry was immediate, with a long list of nominations submitted for each of the five award categories; from which shortlists were created. These shortlists were then opened up to everyone in the gardening industry, enabling them to cast their votes online for their top three buyers or teams in each category. The winners and finalists were announced as follows:
Best Independent Garden Retail Buying Team Winner - Haskins
- Ayletts Nurseries
- Burford Garden Centre
- Haskins
- Polhill Garden Centre
- Scotsdale
Best Online Garden Retail Buying Team: Winner -
- Achica
- Crocus
- Primrose
Best Multiple Garden Centre Buying Team: Winner- Blue Diamond
- Blue Diamond
- Dobbies
- Notcutts
- Wyevale
Best DIY / Builder Merchant Buying Team: Winner - Homebase
Finalists: Best ‘Other’ Garden Retailer Buyer Team: Winner - John Lewis
- John Lewis
- M&S
- Next
- Waitrose
Adam Wigglesworth becomes HTA President at Glee
Adam Wigglesworth, Director of Aylett Nurseries in St Albans, was duly elected as President of the HTA for the next two years at the HTA AGM held on Tuesday 15th September at the NEC Birmingham...

Adam Wigglesworth, Director of Aylett Nurseries in St Albans, was duly elected as President of the HTA for the next two years at the HTA AGM held at the NEC Birmingham on the second morning of #Glee2015.
The well attended early morning AGM was being held alongside Glee for the first time.
Adam, CEO Carol Paris and other HTA Directors thanked immediate past-president Stan Green for all his work leading the HTA during the past two years.
Every week GTN receives and analyses epos data from a number of UK garden centres to produce the GTN Bestsellers charts and weekly bestsellers sales tips. The full charts which provide useful insight into product sales peaks, new trends and new link sales opportunities are published in the weekly GTN Xtra printed newsletter.
As the year goes on we give sales volume comparisons with 2013 as well as 2014 to allow your teams to see variations over a three year period. Access is by subscription only. For £145.00 per year you and your team can have access to the most up-to-date gardening sales analysis that has already helped many UK garden centres increase their sales. To subscribe call 01733 775700, e-mail or buy on-line using this link.
Highlights of the GTN Garden Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here
Highlights of the GTN Veg-2-Gro Products Bestsellers chart for this week are here
Highlights of the GTN Growing Media Bestsellers chart for this week are here WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts seriously improve the business of our subscribers. Invest 15 minutes each week in improving your sales using the GTN Bestsellers charts and your turnover and customer satisfaction will improve too.
Get the GTN Bestsellers charts in full every week in the GTN Bestsellers newsletters delivered via the post for only £145.00.
GTN Bestsellers is the only industry source of weekly garden centre sales information, collating Epos data from centres with an aggregate turnover in excess of £120m.
Use the weekly Garden Products and Growing Media Top 50 sales volumes charts to plan your hotspot and other promotions and ensure you have the right products in stock to satisfy the needs of your customers.
For further information contact or call 01733 775700.
Buy your subscription today and start receiveing the GTN Bestsellers charts this week.
All the latest news from the world of garden centre catering
Green Pastures' new restaurant crowned 'Best in Norfolk'

Last September the new restaurant at Green Pastures Plant Centre was just a big hole in the ground. This week, just 4 months after opening their brand new 100 seater restaurant, Green Pastures in Bergh Apton near Norwich were celebrating a massive win scooping top prize for the "Best Restaurant" in the Eastern Daily Press Norfolk Food and Drink Awards...

Last September the new restaurant at Green Pastures Plant Centre was just a big hole in the ground. This week, just 4 months after opening their brand new 100 seater restaurant, Green Pastures in Bergh Apton near Norwich were celebrating a massive win scooping top prize for the "Best Restaurant" in the Eastern Daily Press Norfolk Food and Drink Awards.
James Debbage, from Green Pastures, said: "We openned our new restaurant at the start of May on the bank holiday weekend. We had no pre-advertised openning day, we simply flung the doors open the second the place was finished on a saturday morning having swiftly got most of the staff in place just a couple of days before hand! We wanted to capitalise on the plan centre being full of customers so went all out to open as soon as we could and thats exactly what we did. "Our original plan was to have a 'soft openning' for a couple of weeks and then advertise to build the trade up. Four months later, having scooped Norfolk's top restraurant prize, those plans to advertise are still on ice as the team are working flat out to please the crowds that positive word of mouth 'advertising' keeps bringing us!
"Our initial aim was to have one of the very best garden centre based catering facilities in Norfolk. We really set our stall out from day one, creating a beautiful building and hiring a head chef with a first class reputation for pleasing his diners. We aimed high with our food, which seemed very brave at the time, but this proved to be exactly the right thing to do. Our farm and farm shop supplied fresh local ingredients backed up by our existing network of local producers and customers all remark that they can see and taste this difference in the food. All our cakes are homemade, our full time baker starts at 6am and has her hands full keeping the counter display topped up. "Word spread straight away (we created a lot of interest whilst we were building) and soon Tripadvisor started to work wonders as we climbed the ranks. The local press ran an editorial feature on us and the next day our car park filled and its been full every day since. Sunday roasts have an enormous following and we're full every sunday. Our most popular dish is a seafood platter that includes all locally sourced fis, home made crabcake and potato salad and all homegrown salad leaves grown in the polytunel next to the restaurant. "Despite doing no advertising we are fairly active on social media and use facebook to particularly good effect. We got a great response when we post pics of our food dishes, the best reaction coming from our Gardeners Afternoon Tea." The Eastern Daily Press have been running the Food Awards for a number of years now to celebrate Norfolk's important role as a major food producer. It includes a number of catagories that have over the years been won by the biggest catering names and establishments in the county. The restaurant catagory is open to all restaurants in Norfolk to enter and this year 30 were shortlisted and put to a public vote where people could vote online or by post. Green Pastures restaurant, known as the Gardeners Kitchen gained over 1,000 votes and was presented with the award on Monday night at a gala dinner award attended by over 300 people. Green Pastures was described as 'Norfolk's River Cottage!'
Competition hots up at biggest ever lunch! show
Twinings, Cawston Press, Tri-Star Packaging, Carrs Food, Manitowoc Foodservice, and Y3K, are just some of exhibitors competing for Innovation Challenge Awards at next week’s sold out lunch! show...
Twinings, Cawston Press, Tri-Star Packaging, Carrs Food, Manitowoc Foodservice, and Y3K, are just some of exhibitors competing for Innovation Challenge Awards at next week’s sold out lunch! show. Returning to the Business Design Centre in Islington, London, on 24–25 September, the multi–award–winning trade event for the food–to–go sector, will also host the finals of the British Smoothie Championships (sponsored by Magrini) and the live heats of two Café Life Awards – the Café Sandwich Challenge (3 categories) and The Tetley Afternoon Tea Experience Challenge. Celebrity chef Aldo Zilli will be among the Café Life Award judges at the show. Awards aside, lunch! 2015 will also see 350 food-to-go suppliers – including food, drink, packaging, equipment and technology – vying for business across three floors of exhibition space. The full exhibitor list is available to view at Working lunch! Keynote Theatre Recent additions to the show’s Keynote line-up include: • David Hindmarsh, head of people – retail at Greggs has joined The lunch! HR Panel, chaired by Jim Winship, director of The British Sandwich Association • Sandy Gourlay, community and charity manager at Costa Coffee, and Eddie Holmes, MD of Chop’d, have joined the Sustainability in Food-To-Go Panel, chaired by Mark Lineham, managing director of The Sustainable Restaurant Association. • Jeremy Clark, consultant for Onboard Hospitality is chairing The lunch! Travel Catering Panel – F&B To Go On The Go. He’ll be joined by Amy Fry, commercial manager at EnRoute International; Caroline Thompson, director of Gastro Culinary Innovation; and Nicky Webb, head of design and development at Rail Gourmet. • Claire Benfield, editor of Café Culture Magazine is chairing of The lunch! State of Independents Panel. Full timings and seminar summaries are available at and Innovation Challenge Showcase & Awards 2015 The Innovation Challenge Showcase, located in the show’s new hall on the Upper Feature Level, is a popular show feature designed to promote the best new food-to-go innovations over the last twelve months. Visiting buyers get their chance to decide the final shortlist by casting a vote for their favourite innovations on the show’s opening day. The products to secure the most votes before 4pm on 24 September (one per visitor) will then be invited to ‘pitch’ their new innovations live to a panel of industry judges at 12.15pm on the following day in the new Menu Innovation Theatre (also sponsored by Magrini), with the results to be announced at 2.45pm. Innovation Challenge Award entries include: · Beauty Vitamin – Beauty Vitamin · Just Bee – Just Bee Drinks · St Pierre 4 Brioche Burger Buns – Carrs Foods International · Sparkling Apple and Rhubarb – Cawston Press · Panvas – ELLER foodPackaging · Go Coco Coconut Milk Shakes – Freedom Brands · Nudie Snacks – Freedom Brands · Jellysqueeze – Fruitypot Family · ape Coconut Curls – Go2Grocery · Zeo Pink – Go2Grocery · Super Bites – Good4U · Gusto Cola – Gusto Organic Ltd · Tg Green Tea with Mandarin & Ginseng – Tg Green Teas · Chaat – Gourmosa · KIND Nuts & Spices bars – KIND Snacks · Love Bone Broth – Love Taste Co · Love Frappe – Love Taste Co · Raspberry & Dark Choc Marshmallow Bar – Mallow & Marsh · Merrychef eikon e2s – Manitowoc Foodservice UK · Artisan Bread Kit (Gluten Free) – MannaVida · Sugar Free Hot Chocolate Melt – Marimba World Chocolate · Masons Baked Beans with Real Tomato – Masons Beans · Kettle Original Popcorn Crisps – Metcalfe's skinny · Say Cheese Popcorn Crisps – Metcalfe's skinny · Sweet Chilli Popcorn Crisps – Metcalfe's skinny · Gruffalo nom nom's – Mini nom nom's · mmmLUNCH – mmmLUNCH · Nana Nice Cream – Nana Nice Cream · Nakd Salted Caramel Nibbles – Natural Balance Foods · Nina bakery's Pita breads – Nina Bakery · NIX&KIX – NIX&KIX · Nom organic popcorn – Nom Foods · PERK!ER Quinoa Bar – PERKIER Foods · PERK!ER Sprouted Grain Oat Bar – PERKIER Foods · Blanco Collection – Planglow · Toasted Oat Crush – Pumpkin Tree · Twinings Bollywood Chai Latte – Twinings · MultiRAP – RAP · Real Handful Fruit + Nut + Choc Mix – Real Handful · Scott Farms Orange, Purple & White Sweet Potato Chips – Scott Farms Chip Company · Cold Pressed Birch Water – Sibberi Birch Water · TAPPED Organic Birch Water – TAPPED Organic Birch Water · Almond Milk Dairy–Free Yoghurt – The Coconut Collaborative · IceSpy Notion Lite – The IMC Group. · Go Soup – Go Soup · Organic, Gluten–Free Pizza – The White Rabbit Pizza Co. · TreeVitalise Birch Waters – TreeVitalise Birch Water · The Allergen Food Rotation Label – Tri–Star Packaging · The Oval Eco Street Bowl – Tri–Star Packaging · URBAN eat Beach Hut Sandwiches – URBAN eat · XXL Pano Razor – WEBER Verpackungen · Y3K Water Baked Cheesecake – Y3K LLC · Yushoi Snapea rice sticks – Yushoi Snapea rice sticks British Smoothie Championships 2015 Taking place at 1pm on Thursday 24 September, the popular live finals of the annual British Smoothie Championships has built an exciting reputation for keeping the lunch! audience firmly on the edge of their seats. Open to all smoothie bars in the UK, contestants put their talents to the test as they move through live heats to earn a place in the grand final. Audience participation is a key ingredient of the judging process, and the competition is widely-recognised as an inspirational catalyst for new ideas for never-before-tasted smoothie recipes. Defending champions Juicafe, plus past winners Crussh and ShakeTastic are among the contenders for 2015. lunch! 2015 Over 6,500 key buyers and decision makers are set to attend lunch! 2015. For further information and to book a free trade pass to lunch! 2015, please visit and quote priority code PR1 (direct link: Advance registration for trade visitors closes at 9am on Thursday 24 September (after which a £20 door charge may apply).