Loose lbs and gain £'s for Garden Re-Leaf Day

Greenfingers Garden Re-Leaf Day is set to take place on Friday 18th March 2016 - but already the fundraising has begun! Twitter has already started buzzing with those looking to lose weight after the festive period, and Greenfingers is inviting them to feel even better about themselves by raising money to help create more children's hospice gardens.
The idea is that for each pound participants lose between now and Garden Re-Leaf Day, they can collect a pound from their sponsors, to be donated to Greenfingers after the 18th March. Linda Petrons, Head of Fundraising at Greenfingers, Debs Skilicorn, Director of Greenfingers and GTN's very own Trevor Pfeiffer are all bravely taking part and want to encourage others to step up to the challenge.
You can sponsor Trevor on his target to loose 1 stone between the GCA Conference and Garden Re-Leaf Day by clicking: https://www.justgiving.com/Trevor-Pfeiffer. If you are interested in taking part, here are a few pointers to help you get started: - If you find it hard to lose weight then don't go overboard - aim for a realistic target
- On the other hand, don't aim too low - challenge yourself and encourage sponsorship!
- Let others know you’re trimming down so you can rely on them to hold you to account. Post on social media, using the hashtag #Pounds4Greenfingers what you plan to do and why you are doing it. Why not post before and after photos too? You'll be surprised at just how much motivation it will give you knowing others are keeping an eye on your progress!
- Take up a short term gym membership, -. or join a local sports or slimming club - there are tonnes of support group options at this time of year so you needn't be alone!
How many pounds of lost weight can the UK gardening industry convert into £'s cash for Greenfingers by Garden Re-Leaf Day?
Garden Re-Leaf 2016 has already attracted eight top industry figures who will be staging 24 hour Plant-athons in garden centres beginning their Plant-athons on Thursday 17th and finishing on Friday the 18th. Poplars, Adrian Hall and Sunshine Garden Centres have all recently confirmed they will put on Garden Re-Leaf events in store.