Pele the piranha predicts World Cup results
A pet piranha called Pele, who resides at Wildwoods Water Garden Centre in North London, is wowing customers with his ability to predict World Cup results.
His amazing psychic powers were unveiled when staff became so fed up with their own inability to predict the outcome of matches.
They dangled three pieces of fish on strings and dropped them into the fish tank. On two of the fish there was a national flag, as well as a sign saying draw.
David Monk, who manages the garden centre, is adamant that his special four-year-old Pygocentrus Cariba, who was caught in the wild, has powers that few can fathom.
“Piranhas can strip a carcass in seconds, but their confidence in attacking usually comes from their shoal – a kind of safety in numbers mentality – and we have Pele on his own in his own tank.
“So to make sure he feels comfortable coming out we have to make sure the environment is just right,” he said.
To make Pele feel at home without his shoal mates, David’s team have constructed an underwater football pitch complete with fish-sized goal posts.
Pele correctly predicted the results of all of England’s pre-tournament friendly matches and also munched his way through the “Brazil” chunk of fish before last Thursday night’s opening match, in which the host country beat Croatia 3-1.
By Monday afternoon, the piranha, who has become a hit with national newspaper The Sun, had got four out of six matches right.
“It’s beyond natural probabilities,” added David. “He’s definitely psychic.”