Woof woof! It’s me, GTN Newshound! It’s getting a bit niffy around here again but look…I was reprimanded last week for “going all cryptic” on you, so I’ll play it straight, get right to the point, go for the bullseye, tell it like it is…or like it might be. Perhaps. Reportedly. Or so they tell me…

As you know, I’m staying close to the hems and turnups of the suits involved in the so-called anticipated Sale of the Century (you know…Tesco selling Dobbies to Wyevale Garden Centres?). Will they, won’t they? The trail is warm…
But this week, another interesting aroma wafted across the yard. You might have known Wyevale were on one end of it….but the other? A source I would regard as impeccable dropped an aromatic little nugget that had me scurrying to fetch my strongest magnifying glass from the bric-a-brac drawer and follow its scent, hopefully to the source.
Where did it lead, my curious reader? Not to Tesco. Or Dobbies. No! To the unexpected HQ of another garden centre group that is almost a household name. Possibly family-owned. Done deal, said the source.
I can visualise a dozen hands going up all over the land protesting “Not us.” So who? If this one turns out to be genuine, you’re all in for a big surprise.
Concise and to the point, eh? Woof woof! There ain’t nothing but a hound dog…(sorry Elvis).