APL and HTA members bring home the medals
The APL and HTA have once again had huge success at an RHS Show. RHS Flower Show Tatton Park saw the UK’s largest horticultural trade association scoop an amazing 7 golds, 4 silver-gilts and 3 silvers at this year’s show.
The winners are as follows:
GOLD - Beesley Landscapes - Urban Retreat
GOLD - Foxcroft Landscapes - Nature & Nurture Garden
SILVER GILT - Big Dig Groundworks – Inner Sanctum
SILVER - Warnes McGarr & Co
SILVER - Fryer’s Roses - Fryer’s Roses: Roses Through Thyme
SILVER - Reeseheath College - Heaven and Earth
HTA Members who have won medals in the Floral Awards:
GOLD – Dibleys Nurseries – Begonia, Coleus & other houseplants
GOLD – Dibleys Nurseries – Streptocarpus
GOLD – Hardy’s Cottage Garden Plants – Herbaceous perennials
GOLD – Harts Nursery – Lilies
GOLD – W. Robinson & Sol (Seeds & Plants) Ltd- Vegetables for every taste
SILVER-GILT – Fryer’s Roses – Celebration Rose Garden
SILVER-GILT – Harkness Roses – Modern garden roses
SILVER-GILT – Norfield Nurseries Ltd – Japanese maples
The semi-finals of the APL WorldSkills competition also place this week, with the seven competitors having 18 hours to build a 6x2m garden. It was a popular attraction, drawing in the crowds, and many calling for it to be covered on television coverage of the show.
For more information on the RHS Flower Show Tatton Park visit https://www.rhs.org.uk/shows-events/rhs-flower-show-tatton-park