Spring sales boom for organic Sluggo say Neudorff

Neudorff has reported an 80% increase in sales of its Sluggo slug and snail killer during April and May 2015 compared to the same period in 2014. Strong pre-season sales and increased consumer awareness has resulted in improved consumer pull-through for the brand’s 450g and 800g packs. Neudorff’s sales director Jude Beharall said: “We have increased visibility for the products through point of sale, print and TV advertising and PR, plus the product offers gardeners a extremely effective natural alternative to traditional pellets, which can play a key part in decision making at the point of purchase.” Sluggo is certified for organic use by the Organic Farmers and Growers Association, is rainfast and leaves no trace of dead slugs and snails or visible slime trails. Information: www.neudorff.co.uk or 0121 911143