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Do Christmas tree sales hold the key?
£5k NGGV backing for Garden Re-Leaf Day
Sales boost for Vitax Poinsettia Drip Feed expected
Whartons launch new gift rose range
Christmas judges fan out across UK
Poinsettia International Press Party produces results
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Garden centres hoping for a bumper December
Gardening products being bought as gifts
Snowmen make their mark
Official farewell for GCA's Gillie Westwood
Garden centre reports November growth...
Sale of Cottage Gardens Nursery in Devon
STV distributes Self Set mouse and rat traps
SunTime set to exhibit at SOLEX next July
Centenary Chelsea to promote 'greener, brighter world'
Colour brightens up dull woodcare year
New marketing role at Barrus
Voting is underway for Greatest Supplier and Greatest Garden Centre Teams at Christmas
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Whartons launch new gift rose range

Whartons Nurseries are launching a new ‘Bouquet Rose Range’ in large 4.5 litre pots with vibrant and colorful pot wraps to enhance the product and enable it to extend the all-important gift market...

Initially, they will be introducing four varieties within the range which will include, Anniversary Bouquet, Golden Bouquet, Ruby Bouquet and Beautiful Bouquet, all with their own distinct pot wrap to stand out from one another.

To ensure that this collection is the very best in the market place, Whartons are using healthier, award-winning varieties for the Bouquet Rose Range. They are:

Anniversary Bouquet = var. ‘Special Anniversary’
Golden Bouquet = var. ‘Arthur Bell’
Ruby Bouquet = var. ‘The One & Only’
Beautiful Bouquet = var. ‘You’re Beautiful’ (Rose of The Year 2013)

The pot wrap material itself is a robust 0.28 micron polypropylene with UV resistant inks to reduce fading. These are then varnished for extra protection to minimize the possibility of scratching occurring. The wraps can be easily wiped clean with a damp cloth thus ensuring they are always bright and vibrant on the Planteria.

During the spring, Whartons, who grow over 1.6 million roses annually, will be launching more ‘Gift Bouquet’ varieties with pot wraps to embrace and develop the series.

Orders are now being taken for early December, just in time for the Christmas market with Free A2 POS Correx poster and 2 metres of Bench Wrap with every 42 plants delivered.

Price per plant is £5.40 with a recommended retail of £12.99

Anyone interested should email or call 01379 606020.

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