Highgate Garden Centre in North London is holding a closing down sale next Friday and will cease trading once all the stock is sold...
The owners made the announcement this week following speculation that the business was under threat.
Capital Gardens, which runs the centre, sold the freehold to the land on which it is located – known as Highgate Bowl – in September last year fuelling fears the prize green space could be used to build luxury homes. Managing director of Capital Gardens, Colin Campbell-Preston, said the centre would close in the next couple of weeks. He said: “We have decided to close the garden centre and focus our efforts on our business in Alexandra Palace. “We’re holding a closing down sale next Friday so will close once we’ve sold our stock.” He said the final decision was made at the weekend after sales at the Highgate site, which has been used as a garden nursery since the 1940s, were down 34 per cent. “That was the trigger when we said enough is enough after battling on through the years,” he added. “We are all sad but the staff understand it’s a decision that was inevitable. “The difficulty here is that you would have to spend a lot of money on the retail premises to put it right and when you have to drag customers in off the high street it doesn’t make economic sense.” He hinted that the site would probably end up with some houses but could not confirm what the new owners’ intentions were. The site was bought for £2million by a company called Omved International Limited, based in the British Virgin Islands. Mr Campbell-Preston said two of the garden centre staff would take up new roles at Alexandra Palace, while three had decided to leave and others had taken redundancy. “I’d like to say thank you very much to everybody who has supported us and sorry, but it’s just one of those things,” he said. Chair of Highgate Neighbourhood Forum, Maggy Meade-King, urged the new owners to engage with residents to agree a way forward. She said: “It’s a real shame that we are losing the nursery because it’s been a resource for the people of Highgate so that’s a huge pity. Now of course we are very concerned about what’s going to happen to the site. “We would like to keep it as a green space and if it was to be developed we would hope it would be kept for educational or horticultural use. “We have some very interesting ideas but we fear there will be yet another planning application for luxury housing, which is hardly a priority for our area, and we are also concerned because so far the owners have been unable to talk to us at a forum. “So my plea to the owners is to work with us and the community." “We want to get together with the new owners and discuss what their intentions are, explain to them the background, and campaign to keep the site as some sort of viable open space.”
Not a flaming June – but best for 5 years

The weather has hardly made it a flaming June but at least it was drier than last year and garden centre sales have continued up year on year following the trend started in May. The GTN Bestsellers All Products Epos Sales index regsitered the highest June volume for the past 5 years, an increase of 27% on June 2012...

The weather has hardly made it a flaming June but at least it was drier than last year and garden centre sales have continued up year on year following the trend started in May. The GTN Bestsellers All Products Epos Sales index regsitered the highest June volume for the past 5 years, an increase of 27% on June 2012. And the individual GTN Bestsellers Top 50 charts illustrate that the weather was almost perfect for growing. Our Veg-2-Gro chart sales volumes for June are up 94% on last year as veg plants sold through at high levels throughout the month. With Growing Media Top 50 volumes for June up 36% we know that plant sales overall have been very good. The only chart to grow at a slower rate is the Garden Products Top 50. Up by 17% on last year sales the lateness of the season means certain pest control sales haven’t happened yet and whilst decorative garden lighting continues to sell well, we wonder what sales volumes would have been if the weather had even been at seasonal average temperatures for the month. So what now for July and August? Will a heatwave get those pest control sales moving plus increased furniture and bbq sales? If you remember we forecast a good July and August because it’s an Ashes year. With the First Test starting next week we’re getting our sun shades, sun screen, beers and bbq ready! GTN Bestsellers Top 50 sales volumes June 2013 compared to June 2012: - Veg-2-Gro – up 94%
- Growing Media – up 36%
- Garden Products – up 17%
- All items index – up 27%
GTN Bestsellers Top 50 sales volumes compared to the same week last year: - Garden Products – up 6%
- Veg-2-Gro – up 46%
- Growing Media – up 37%
- All items index – up 25%
To Subscribe to the full GTN Bestsellers Weekly Charts for only £120.00 per year click here
WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts can seriously improve your business. Only subscribe if you want to invest 15 minutes each week in improving your turnover and customer satisfaction.
Bents have launched an experiment to find out if plants respond to the way their spoken to by gardeners...
The Great Plant Experiment has been inspired by Nikki Owen, Founder of The Charisma Model Programme and The Big Apple Experiment who believes that negative emotion can be responsible for disengagement within the workplace.
To prove her point Nikki Owen took two halves of an apple and, over a period of 14 days, directed only positive thoughts and emotions to one half and negative thoughts and emotions to the other
The result was a significant change in the rate of decay between the two halves.
Motivated by such a visible result and encouraged by the belief that plants do respond to voices, Bents has launched its own experiment to discover whether plants will respond in a similar way to variances in emotion.
The Glazebury-based garden and home centre has set up an experimental bench in its Open Skies Glass House, which aims to subject two sets of plants to very different emotions. Six plants will be ‘loved’ with kind words and happy thoughts, while another six plants will be subjected to ‘hateful’ conditions and harsh words. All other conditions such as watering and fertilization will be exactly the same.
“Prince Charles was given quite a lot of ridicule when it first emerged that he talked to his plants. But over the years research has been carried out to suggest that plants do actually respond to sound and vibration. We are trying to discover whether emotion can have a similar effect," said Bents Managing Director Matthew Bent.
“At Bents we’re big believers in positive reinforcement and we work hard to keep our colleagues happy and engaged. Nikki Owen's results with the apple were astonishing and it will be interesting to see if we have a similar outcome.”
The Great Plant Experiment will be taking place over a period of six weeks. Bents are welcoming input from customers inviting people to either pass on their happy thoughts or take out any anger they may have…whilst keeping language clean!

Garden lighting products are the star performers in this week’s GTN Bestsellers Garden Products chart with Revolution Gala Solar Party Lantern clinching the No 10 position and the highest new entry accolade.
Gardman have the highest placed lighting item with the Ice Orb Solar Light at No 4. Their Solar Mosaic Border Lights are also in the Top 10 at No 6.
The Gardman Wind Chime Light is the highest re-entry, coming into the chart at No 32, and the same company has four other lighting lines in the Top 50, including the Marker Light.
The Smart Solar Flutterby Hummingbird/Fairy is a new entry at No 48.
Other star performers are Yorkshire Flowerpots with two new entries – Octavious Bellpot at No 24, and Squat Herb Jar at No 47.
Another container, the Woodlodge Spang Standard Pot re-enters at No 38.
Scotts Levington Tomorite (1-litre) remains the best selling product, followed by Scotts RoseClear Ultra, Ready to Use.
See the full GTN Garden Products Bestsellers Chart here. Subscribers Only
To Subscribe to the full GTN Bestsellers Weekly Charts for only £120.00 per year click here
WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts can seriously improve your business. Only subscribe if you want to invest 15 minutes each week in improving your turnover and customer satisfaction.

The owners of Sevenoaks Garden Centre in Leicestershire have won a six-year fight over roadside advertising signs.
But Paul and Susan Barratt, who have been running their business for more than a decade, say they are £8,000 out of pocket in legal costs and fear they might not recoup them all.
Hinckley Magistrates Court has ruled in their favour and said they were not breaching planning rules.
Mr Barratt said: "We feel vindicated and want to be left in peace to develop our business.
"Let us hope this court case means we can leave the signs on the verges without any more hassle."
Over the years, the Barratts have placed two small wooden signs on the verges, in the picturesque village of Newtown Linford, advertising the business. They put them out each day and take them in at the end of business.
But they fell foul of planning enforcement officers at Charnwood Borough Council in 2007.
The council said the signs were not authorised and could pose a risk to highway safety. The authority accused the Barratts of breaching planning regulations and, after issuing enforcement notices, took them to court.
However, the couple denied they were doing anything wrong, saying the signs had been on the verges for years and were not causing any harm.
The couple appeared at Hinckley Magistrates' Court determined to plead their case, and then learned that Charnwood Council, which brought the prosecution, offered no evidence.
The court ordered Mr and Mrs Barratt should have their costs paid out of Government funds.
Mrs Barratt said: "All along we had said we had deemed consent because the signs had been there for so long without causing any problems."
She said county highways were not upset by the signs.
"They are two small signs on the verge in areas where there is traffic calming and vehicles move very slowly."
Mr Barratt said: "We have placed the signs on the verges for more than a decade. Other businesses place advertising signs on the highway in the village. We feel we are the only ones to be on the receiving end of the council.
"We have had to continually fight for the right to advertise our business. We are half-a-mile out of Newtown Linford and the signs are vital for the viability of our business.
"We estimate this has cost us £8,000. The council knew we were pleading not guilty so why did it not drop the charges when we entered pleas?
"We have been awarded costs by the court but our lawyer said they were unlikely to meet all our expenditure."
A Charnwood Borough Council spokesman said: "The council has made every effort to find an amicable resolution over the last few years.
"The decision to withdraw the prosecution was taken on the day of the hearing following discussions between the prosecutor and defence barrister."
Floralsilk open new "must see" showroom

Floralsilk have opened their new 6,000 sq ft showroom. Easily accessible from the A1, just north of Stamford, it is now possible to see the complete Floralsilk range in a light and airy showroom which is fully merchandised and colour themed...

Floralsilk have opened their new 6,000 sq ft showroom. Easily accessible from the A1, just north of Stamford, it is now possible to see the complete Floralsilk range in a light and airy showroom which is fully merchandised and colour themed.
The displays will give buyers plenty of ideas for use in their own stores and the Floralsilk team are happy to put their expertise at your disposal. Call or email to arrange a viewing.
Or pop in on your way to or from the Harrogate Gift Fair later this month. Floralsilk will be launching their Spring Collection on three Open Days which coincide with the fair, 16th-18th July, and there is no need to announce your arrival.
The showroom is a ‘must see’ to enable buyers to view for themselves the absolute quality of Floralsilk products.
Floralsilk will be attending the Autumn Fair at the NEC on Septyember 1-4.
The Floralsilk showroom is in Meadow Drove, Bourne PE10 0BQ. Tel: 01778 425205. Email: sales@floralsilk.co.uk Website: www.floralsilk.co.uk

Click here to see the SOLEX SUN Issue 1 2013 - the show preview.
Brought to you by the GTN Xtra team on behalf of Lofa, watch out for the SOLEX SUN Live Preview on Sunday afternoon and SOLEX SUN Live Show day issues on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.
To find out more about SOLEX SUN, contact trevor.pfeiffer@tgcmc.co.uk
 How much did we, as an industry, raise for Greenfingers on Garden Re-Leaf Day 2013? All will be revealed at the GIMA's on Thursday 18th July.
So, if you carried out some fundraising on Garden Re-Leaf Day, or indeed after it, please make sure you send the money riased into the Greenfingers offices so that your efforts can be included in the big number to be revealed later this month.
Greenfingers Charity 23 Gregories Road Beaconsfield Bucks HP9 1HH
Tel: 01494 674749 Fax: 01494 730656Email: info@greenfingerscharity.org.uk
Thank you!

A plan to develop a £14m Waitrose store at Notcutts Garden Centre in Bagshot has been lodged with the local Surrey borough council...
Waitrose is proposing to create a new 2,000 sq m food store at the site, which will also see the Notcutts store receive a complete revamp as part of the deal. "Feedback from many of our customers has been very positive and they have welcomed the opportunity our partnership with Waitrose will bring to redevelop the garden centre on the existing site," said Notcutts chief executive Andy King. Waitrose development director Nigel Keen said: "We were encouraged the majority of those who recorded their comments share our confidence a new Waitrose food shop could bring substantial benefits to the area. "We would welcome the opportunity to become part of the Bagshot community and play a positive role in the creation of new local jobs, providing more choice and encouraging more people to shop locally." Meanwhile, a Waitrose store being built at Garden Centre Group's Northampton Garden Centre is set to open by Christmas. And planning permission has been granted for a Waitrose and the redevelopment of Percy Thrower's Garden Centre on the Garden & Leisure centre's Shrewsbury site.

This year’s ‘Westland Challenge’ competition offered by Westland Horticulture to find the garden centre that best optimised Garden Re-Leaf Day 2013, has been won jointly by Aylett Nurseries and Simpsons Garden Centre.
Impressing judges with their all-round combination of well marketed special events, fund-raising success and retail results surrounding Garden Re-Leaf Day, both garden centres will share the first prize of Westland Gro-Sure All-Purpose Compost, worth £6,000.
It is the second year running that St Albans-based Aylett Nurseries (pictured above) has come top in the competition, having won the Westland Challenge outright in 2012.
Uniquely amongst the entrants, Aylett appointed a group of ‘Garden Re-Leaf Day Champions’ to organise and promote the day. Its many activities included a ‘design a T-shirt’ competition, a Goodwill Coffee Morning, a Silent Auction, a ‘Guess the Weight of the Cake’ competition, a staff raffle to win an extra day’s holiday, a tombola, the Garden Re-Leaf Day celebrity quiz – hosted by Matt Biggs - and the HTA’s ‘Find the Winning Plot’ competition.
A raft of marketing activities also promoted the events, helping to raise more than £2,000 for Garden Re-Leaf Day’s designated charity Greenfingers.
Aylett Nurseries’ Operations Manager Geoff Lucas said: “The Aylett Nurseries team worked extremely hard to organise an inspirational range of Garden Re-Leaf Day activities, and raising money for Greenfingers was our goal. However being awarded top spot in the ‘Westland Challenge’ twice in a row is much more than we had hoped for!”

Simpsons Garden Centre in Inverness (above) also got into the full spirit of Garden Re-Leaf Day’s joint fund-raising and retail boosting aims, running its events across a full week.
Staff arranged a highly successful ‘£1 Primrose offer for every reader’ that gained extensive local newspaper coverage; resulting in 213 redemptions. A 10% donation to Garden Re-Leaf was made on every outdoor planter bought, selling an unprecedented 197 items. Themed cupcakes were also sold through the restaurant and colourful Wellington Boots placed at till points collected extra donations. Press releases, point of sale in-store, customer emailers and social media all boosted awareness of the events, resulting in increased footfall and raising £830 for charity.
Simpsons Garden Centre Manager Andy Howard said: "This was a great challenge to be involved with and a fantastic charity which benefited from the proceeds. We're delighted that Westland chose our multi-level fundraising campaign as their joint winner and put the success of our campaign down to great teamwork and the support we have from our fantastic customers."
Around 500 garden centres and suppliers participated in the second Garden Re-Leaf Day in March, which provides retailers with a promotional platform to get the gardening season off to a flying start, whilst raising valuable funds for children’s hospice garden charity Greenfingers.
Westland Horticulture’s ‘Westland Challenge’ laid down the gauntlet for participating garden centres to demonstrate how their Garden Re-Leaf Day activities were a cut above the rest; not necessarily in terms of funds raised, but also taking into account effort and originality.
Keith Nicholson, Westland Horticulture Marketing Director, said: “We are passionate about encouraging people to get gardening, so it has been really encouraging to see so many garden centres up and down the country giving their time for such a worthy charity. All the entries were impressive, but the winners of our Westland Challenge really bought into the cause with innovative ideas that raised a fantastic amount of money for Greenfingers, so we’d like to congratulate them both.”
The competition was judged by Keith Nicholson, Westland Horticulture Marketing Director, Boyd Douglas-Davies, founder of Garden Re-Leaf Day and CEO of Hillview Garden Centres, Sue Allen, former Managing Director of Millbrook Garden Company, and Michelle Whitefoot, Managing Director of Whitefoot-Forward PR.
Monies raised by Garden Re-Leaf Day’s events are being donated to Greenfingers – a charity dedicated to improving the lives of children in hospices through the creation of magical gardens for children’s hospices around the UK. Monies raised by Garden Re-Leaf Day 2013 will be announced at the GIMA Awards event in Leeds on 18th July 2013.
To keep up with the latest Garden Re-Leaf Day news, visit www.gardenreleaf.co.uk or contact info@gardenreleaf.co.uk
Cultivation Street entries flooding in

Community volunteers who revitalised a disused pond into a valuable environmental asset have been nominated in a nationwide competition as Cultivation Street heroes...

Community volunteers who revitalised a disused pond into a valuable environmental asset have been nominated in a nationwide competition as Cultivation Street heroes. The project has been entered into the Sustainability and Community category, supported by the Prince Charles’ Princes Foundation for Building Community in the new Cultivation Street competition, sponsored by the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA). The hard working team of 20 volunteers from Cupar, Fife have been working with their local council to build a wildlife walk, bird feeding station and insect hotel as part of the Tarvit Estate project. The area has now been transformed into a site that schoolchildren can use for outdoor learning and a once deserted piece of land has become a beautiful and much loved area for walkers, wildlife, bird lovers and local people.
Sustainability has been a key factor in the regeneration of the area with more than 1,000 recycled bluebells, begonias and tulip bulbs from the town’s previous displays being planted around the pond. A sedum roof has been created to welcome butterflies and other winged insects to the pond, and an insect hotel has been built from round logs, dried leaves, teasels, moss, sisal and bark to provide a safe habitat for creatures. Volunteer Mary Law, 76 said: “The whole community has rallied round and what was a mostly forgotten part of an old estate has become a lovely community facility.” The HTA is contributing £17,000 worth of National Garden Gift Vouchers to ‘Cultivation Street’, a competition launched by David Domoney and the Sunday People. The competition consists of a number regional heats and categories and culminates in the title of Britain’s Best Street Award, with a prize of £10,000 of National Garden Gift Vouchers for the winner. As well as the HTA, the competition has attracted support from many industry bodies including the IoH, GCA and GIMA. There is a full range of Cultivation Street POS available for HTA members. Email nggv@the-hta.org.uk for more details. The competition launched at the end of May and winners will be notified on 8 September. For more information, visit www.cultivationstreet.co.uk
Pioneering retailer Eddie Topping of Barton Grange Garden Centre was among a UK group attending the opening of the world’s first ‘nursery park’ in Tuscany last week. The group, which included landscapers, landscape architects, garden designers and contractors, was organized by Europlants, UK agents for Pistoia nurserymen Vannucci Piante, the driving force behind the new Pistoia Nursery Park. The project, a cross between a display nursery and a botanic garden, houses more than 1,000 mostly mature specimen plants in 10 hectares and is already a local landmark. Although aimed at trade buyers and landscapers, it will be opened for limited public access. All the specimens on the parkland site, from field maple and horse chestnuts to catalpa, cedars, dogwood and Magnolia grandiflora, are in massive containers – and are for sale. Hundreds have already been bought in what promises to be a constantly rolling stockturn that will transform the park’s landscape from week to week. Vannucci’s managing director, Vannino Vannucci, says the ‘nursery park’ concept was a unique way of displaying plants. “For some time we have felt a need to respond to all those who expressed their wish to see the plants placed harmoniously, naturally, not constrained by the strict geometry of a nursery. We felt the need to express the growing ‘contamination’ between our sector and other fields, hitherto little explored: art, creativity, design, lighting.” He believes the Park will inspire new projects and ideas. Eddie Topping and the other members of the UK party spent two days exploring the massive range of plants, all available for import from Hatfield-based Europlants, across Vannnucci’s nursery network in the Pistoia region. In addition to the sprawling main nusery, there are 165 other pockets of production, ensuring that few buyers need leave empty handed, whatever the shopping list. “I’ve bought plenty,” Mr Topping said. “We’ll now need to find somewhere to put them back at the garden centre!”

The GCA has revealed the first clue in its competition to guess the venue for the organisation’s next annual conference in January... The conference has been held at the Crowne Plaza Heythrop Park for the past three years but the 2014 event will be at a new location.
Iain Wylie, interim Chief Executive of the GCA, explained: “We announced our competition in May and have already received lots of guesses. We thought we’d give people a helping hand by releasing the first clue. “The clue is: dive in and you’re half way there. “Both full and associate members are eligible to enter the competition, so please get guessing! To submit your guesses, please email info@gca.org.uk. The first 12 people to correctly guess the venue will receive a bottle of champagne in their room at the conference. More than 300 delegates from the nation’s leading garden centres, including independents and chains, are expected to attend the annual GCA Conference. Iain added: “As always our conference will provide delegates with pertinent information on key aspects of the garden centre industry to assist members in achieving their business goals. “The information shared will focus on a wide range of topics, including merchandising, marketing and management. Here's a visual clue to help people guess the venueof the conference, which will take place from January 26 until 29, 2014.
There are 16 re-entries in the Veg-2-Gro Bestsellers chart this week with a number of seed packets showing their face again.
Suttons have two re-appearing lines with Spinach Perpetual Leaf Beet and Speedy Seeds Radish Jolly, while Thompson & Morgan return with Runner Bean Scarlet Emperor and Lettuce Mazur. Suttons Speedy Seeds Leaf Salad Mix also saw a positive movement, rising to No 39.
The Top 50 is still dominated by young plants from Quantil and Gardeners Kitchen, with the latter having the highest new entry, highest re-entry and highest climber.
The highest re-entry is Tomato F1 Shirley at No 17, the highest climber is Tomato Tumbler at No 19, and the highest new entry is French Bean Round Safari at No 32.
Quantil hold on to No 1 spot with Runner Bean, and they also have a number of re-entries, including Cucumber Mini at No 22.
There is one other new entry in Farplants Pepper Sweet Green Bell Boy at No 43. Farplants have also seen Novelty Tomato Tumbling Tiger return to the chart.
See the full GTN Veg-2-Gro Bestsellers Chart here. Subscribers Only
To Subscribe to the full GTN Bestsellers Weekly Charts for only £120.00 per year click here WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts can seriously improve your business. Only subscribe if you want to invest 15 minutes each week in improving your turnover and customer satisfaction.
This year’s GIMA Awards judging panel reached their verdicts earlier this week. The results stay securely under wraps until the GIMA Awards Presentation Evening and Gala Dinner on Thursday 18 July at The Queen’s hotel in Leeds, when all will be revealed by host Gyles Brandreth, well known for his wit and humour on many TV and radio programmes including the One Show. The judging was carried out in 8 product and 3 marketing categories with the best of the best being awarded the ultimate accolade of the GIMA Sword of Excellence. GIMA Awards Director Neil Gow said: “The judges were very complimentary about the number and quality of entries this year, and having been involved myself with the Awards over many years I think they had perhaps the hardest job ever as there were many very credible entries. Every category was well represented and there were a number of potential winners in each that the judges had to sort through. However, the Sword this year is going to go to perhaps what some will regard as a predictable winner. The product does tick all the boxes, setting a new benchmark in innovation.” The Awards evening, for which there are still some tickets available, is regarded by many as ‘the party of the year’. There is good food, enough to drink, some great entertainment and of course that all important revelation of the finalists and winners in each of the categories. Because of the sheer numbers that attend, the whole garden retail industry is represented and therefore it is also the networking opportunity of the year. In addition, the Export Achievement award is announced on the evening and the much coveted Supplier of the Year as voted for by GCA Members. Members who have not yet voted can email the name of the supplier they want to nominate to neilgow@gima.org.uk. Closing date for this is Friday 12th July, so please do it today. You will find full details on the GIMA website by clicking http://www.gima.org.uk/awards_2013.asp?Page_ID=28 where you can also book you places at the dinner, or email Awards Director Neil Gow at neilgow@gima.org.uk

A group of employees from Thompson & Morgan are celebrating a combined total of over 165 years of service to the company.
John May, Thompson & Morgan’s chief executive, who has himself been with the company for 15 years, said: "At Thompson & Morgan, we’re delighted that so many of our colleagues show such loyalty and commitment."
Chloe Farmer and Sue Adams both joined Thompson & Morgan in 1988. Chloe started her career at Thompson & Morgan packing seeds in the warehouse. She has since worked in various different departments and now heads up the design team, producing some 20 plant and seed catalogues each year.
As Catering Assistant, Sue Adams has produced in excess of 750,000 cups of tea and more than a quarter of a million sandwiches over the 25 years that she has worked at Thompson & Morgan! "I like to think I provide the fuel that keeps everyone going," she said.
Erin Geaves, Marilyn Keen, Anne Wooden, Michael Perry and Kim Parker are all celebrating their 15 year anniversary with T&M this year.
Erin works in the warehouse, preparing plants for despatch; Marilyn is in charge of Thompson & Morgan’s extensive photo library, while Anne and Kim both work in the accounts department. Michael is T&M’s self-proclaimed ‘plant hunter’ and is the person who introduces new and interesting plants to the company’s range.
"Without the hard work and dedication of our staff - in all areas of the company; whether in the warehouse, the canteen, accounts or marketing - Thompson & Morgan would cease to exist," remarked Paul Hansord, horticultural director, who last year marked his 25th year with the company.
Thompson & Morgan is proud of its long-serving and loyal staff and boasts a number of long-service awards. Christine Wilcock is the longest serving employee, having clocked up an impressive 38 years at the company which has been based in Ipswich since 1855.
There is also a history of family connections at T&M. Erin Geaves is one of six sisters who have all worked at the company at one time or another; four of them - including Erin - are still employed there now. Erin also met her husband, Simon, at Thompson & Morgan!
"T&M is most certainly a family-friendly company." said John May. "When so many of our staff recommend working here to their family members, we know we are doing something right! Our staff are loyal and a real credit to the company."
When asked why he’s stayed at the company for over 20 years, Andrew Tokely, T&M’s horticultural manager, summed up the sentiments of the long-serving employees. "When I started at Thompson & Morgan, I was made to feel like part of the company; it was like working with an extended family rather than with work colleagues - and it still feels like that today."
Pictured – Back row left to right: Anne Wooden, Erin Geaves, Michael Perry, Paul Hansord, John May. Front row left to right:: Sue Adams, Chloe Farmer, Kim Parker, Marilyn Keen.
We’ve now had 10 out of the last 11 weeks where Growing Media Top 50 sales volumes were up on last year. This week’s sales are 37% above the same period in 2012 and 15% higher than in 2011.
The biggest move this week was made by Neolay Rubber Mulch Chips which saw an amazing 660% increase in sales to become the highest new entry in the chart. Gem Cambark Chunky Chip Bark also proved popular, and it was the highest re-entry at No 42.
The highest climber of the week was Scotts Miracle-Gro Organic Choice Premium Garden Soil (25 litres), jumping 17 places to No 16. Meanwhile, Westland John Innes Young Plants No 1 (30 litres) saw a 68% increase in sales to re-enter the Top 50.
See the Growing Media Chart on the website www.gardentradenews.co.uk, using your GTN Bestsellers subscription log-in and password.
See the full GTN Growing Media Bestsellers Chart here. Subscribers Only
To Subscribe to the full GTN Bestsellers Weekly Charts for only £120.00 per year click here
WARNING the GTN Bestsellers Charts can seriously improve your business. Only subscribe if you want to invest 15 minutes each week in improving your turnover and customer satisfaction.
Mr Fothergill's has appointed Paul Pates as head of direct marketing, with responsibility for the Mr Fothergill's, D. T. Brown and Woolmans brands.
He joins the Suffolk-based company from S E Marshall and Co, where he was head of marketing. Prior to this Paul was head of marketing (garden division) at Flying Brands. Previously he established and ran his own business and separately was seconded by Seton UK Ltd, a business-to-business direct marketer of industrial safety products, to establish an operation in Australia. Announcing the appointment, joint managing director John Fothergill said: "Paul is a trained direct marketer with strong database and analytical skills. He has a natural affinity with gardening and understands the brands and customers within our industry". Cricket fan Paul is married with a young son and daughter.

Members of the Garden Centre Association have had a 'big debate' over the future of peat and will be working with the HTA to develop a policy.The meeting, which took place on June 13 at William Sinclair in Ellesmere Port, included a tour of the manufacturing facility and a chance for members to discuss the use of peat. Chairman of the GCA, Peter Burks explained: “It was great for our members to have the chance to meet up and have a discussion about peat and peat alternatives. “We had a big debate on the topic and now we have listened to our members views we will be working with the Horticultural Trades Association (HTA) to develop a policy.” Carol Paris, Director General of the HTA also attended the event. Managing Director of Poplars Garden Centre in Bedfordshire, David Little, said: “I found the day very interesting and informative. The facilities at Sinclair’s Ellesmere Port are very impressive and the company’s vision for further investment at the site are very exciting indeed. “It was really useful to be reminded of the Government’s targets regarding the use of peat in amateur gardening and to understand what the alternatives are for the future. “I came away with one clear message, while the contents of the bag may be changing, the results for gardeners will be the same. The challenge facing us now is to get this message across to our customers.” The GCA represents nearly 200 garden centres nationwide. Through sharing information and its inspection programme, the GCA helps members to achieve high standards in customer service, plant quality and reliability. Will Armitage, Managing Director of Armitage’s, which has two garden centres in Huddersfield, said: “It was a very informative day and great to see a company that has previously been so closely associated with peat products show us how far advanced they are in being able to provide us with effective alternatives. “We can’t change the Government’s aim on the use of peat in compost, but we can help to adjust our customers’ expectations in regard to how growing media will look and feel in the future.”
Dig these Solus deals for Autumn
Following on from the success of its Spring offers, Solus Garden & Leisure has launched the latest in its successful ‘Dig These Deals’ consumer promotions, with a host of great bargains for Autumn gardeners...

Following on from the success of its Spring offers, Solus Garden & Leisure has launched the latest in its successful ‘Dig These Deals’ consumer promotions, with a host of great bargains for Autumn gardeners.
This season’s promotion, which is exclusive to garden centres, includes money-saving offers on Yeoman and Joseph Bentley tools, Botanico growing products and accessories, ChapelWood bird feeding stations and Adorn home décor products.
Notable amongst the deals are the Joseph Bentley long handled bulb planter, sale price £24.99 (reduced from £32.99); the Yeoman advanced block paving brush and precision scraper (with FOC replacement head), reduced from £19.98 to £9.99; the red and green polka dot Botanico welly boot planters, £5 off at £4.99; and the Adorn washable runner mat, half original price at £12.49.
Eye-catching ‘Dig These Deals’ merchandise displays and dump bins will ensure these products attract a lot of attention – and the special Dig These Deals website – www.digthesedeals.co.uk – will feature product videos and stockist information throughout the season. The deals will be promoted to consumers via Solus social media channels and in gardening magazines.
The Spring promotion resulted in 10% increase in orders despite a difficult season for the garden trade.
Products are available for order now for in-store promotion from early August to November. For more information contact your Solus representative or call 0121 504 2700.
David Wallace from Colchester has been appointed as the Image Library Supervisor for Floramedia. In his role he will manage the library supplying photos to the horticultural industry, which will be used to promote and advertise their plants. David said: “I am delighted to be joining the team at Floramedia. I will be handling the image library for the company, which has more than 250,000 images. “We are also beginning to use QR codes on our labels and I am writing botanical descriptions and cultivation notes for the FloraLinQ web pages. These will inform the public on how to care for the plants once they get them home.” David, who is originally from West London, studied at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in Surrey. He gained a Diploma in Horticulture and after his course he stayed on for a year as a Supervisor in the Tropical Department. After this he accepted a job offer in Bermuda where he became the Curator of the tropical plant collections at the Botanic Gardens. Prior to his role at Floramedia, the father-of-one was a buyer, grower and display manager for a garden centre in Bermuda and he also ran a garden design business. Nick Mathias, Managing Director of Floramedia, which is based in Colchester, said: “I am delighted that David has joined the Floramedia team. He has a wealth of plant knowledge and this will benefit the company and our customers greatly.” In his spare time David is busy exploring Colchester. He enjoys walking and bird watching in the nearby nature reserves and visiting the town’s museums, theatres and art centres. Floramedia has the UK’s largest range of stock labels and point of sale products with more than 10,000 to choose from. The forward-thinking company is constantly improving and expanding its range.
Vitax has secured the coveted British Wool logo for its latest slug control product - Slug Gone.The organic pellets are already a favourite amongst environmentally-conscious gardeners. Created from the fleece of sheep - a by-product of the scouring industry - it utilises the remaining shoddy which had previously been considered of little use. The British Wool logo is accredited to manufacturers whose products are made from British wool sources and in creating Slug Gone, Vitax is helping to reduce wastage within the wool industry. Colin Wetherley-Mein, sales manager at Vitax, says: “We are delighted to gain the esteemed British Wool accreditation for Slug Gone as it will help to further promote the product’s green credentials to gardeners.” The British Wool Marketing Board is responsible for collecting, grading, marketing and promoting British wool, which is a historic fibre that has long been supplied to the carpet and upholstery industries. The British Wool Marketing Board’s Life Cycle Analysis has concluded that wool has far less environmental impact than man-made fibres, being a natural, sustainable material. For more information, visit: www.vitax.co.uk
Lechuza, the leading German manufacturer of self watering planters and pots, is launching in the UK. The injection-moulded plastic planters and pots offer excellent design, high quality and value for money. The brand has been available on the European market since 2000 and to date, one in every three planters in German offices is a Lechuza. It has also been awarded numerous awards including the coveted Red Dot Award for product design. The company hopes to replicate this success in the UK, where Lechuza planters can already be seen in hotel lobbies, airports and workplaces. The launch will be supported by an extensive marketing campaign including advertising and PR. The pots, which are widely used by professional landscapers and green fingered consumers, are famed for their sub-irrigation system, which provides plants with the exact amount of water they need for optimum growth for up to 12 weeks.
The Lechuza sub-irrigation system includes an easy to read water level indicator, water supply shaft for easy fertilising and watering, and separator with ‘pon’ layer, which ensures just the right amount of water reaches the plants. When outdoors, the removable drainage plugs prevent excess rainwater from damaging plants. The wide choice of sizes and styles available makes Lechuza ideal for any type of planting, whether growing herbs or fruit, showcasing flowers or creating a larger focus point, with options for hanging baskets and windowsill planters.
Each Lechuza plant pot is made from 100% recyclable plastic, meaning they are lightweight and, unlike materials such as terracotta, are both frost and shatter proof. The range also offers two styles of plant liners that allow easy transfer for repotting.
There are three main styles available – Cottage, Premium and Trend.
Jamie Dickinson from Lechuza commented: “Plants make a huge difference to the environment around us, but not everyone has the time to look after them or a big budget for expensive solutions. We noticed this gap in the market and used our experience and expertise working with plastic to address this.
"Lechuza planters harness the latest technology to provide self watering planters of a high quality, for indoor and outdoor use. With RRPs starting from less than £10, the range also suits all budgets.” Lechuza was created by the makers of Playmobil toys, building on a longstanding history of working with high quality injection moulding. To find out more visit www.lechuza.co.uk or phone 01268 548111.